2012年5月8日 星期二

Get Your Forty Winks and More

A good night's sleep is not supposed to be optional. Everybody knows that our body should be cared for and should work like a well-oiled machine and a well-rested one too. Taking care of ourselves is not just about eating a well-balanced meal and proper exercise. This also includes at least 8 hours of sleep. This is why some people indulge themselves with king beds and bed sheets with high thread counts. This is a luxury out of necessity.

If you allow yourself to sleep at least 8 hours every night, you will be able to optimize your mind and body. Sleep deprivation may prove detrimental to your overall health. If you compare those who sleep well to those who do not, you will find that the later has had more sick days. Your immune system is designed to protect you from colds and flu, but it can be compromised with lack of sleep. This can also affect your concentration and focus, because it can cause light head ache and even visual impairment. Studies also show that this actually affects how your body will react to shots and vaccines. It might take longer for the body to react to immunizations because of suppressed immune response. MythBusters, a popular show, also did an experiment that showed drivers can find themselves at greater risk of accidents due to lack sleep and rest, compared to being intoxicated.

In retrospect, studies also conclude great advantages of having enough sleep. Getting at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep can help prevent heart attacks and stroke by assisting in keeping your blood pressure in normal levels. Sleep is a great way to reduce stress or at least be better at handling it. You become more alert and refreshed, ready to start a new day, because your mind and body are rested, much like when you reboot your computer. Observations have been made to connect memory boost with enough sleep. During this time your brain is given enough time to consolidate the thoughts, events and sensory inputs of the day.

Even after knowing all this, and you wanting to catch up on much needed rest, your work and your lifestyle might be in the way. Sometimes your schedule can only allot about 5 hours of sleep during the week. If this is the case, make sure that your 5 hours is at least of quality. Try to invest on king beds and high quality sheets and make sure your room is dark and quiet.

If you think king beds and high thread count sheets are unnecessary investments, think again. A quality bed makes for quality sleep. Lack of sleep is bad for your health. Find out what it does to you, and realize why you can't take it for granted.

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