2012年7月24日 星期二

Relaxation to Manage Anxiety

The ability to relax is the core of any program aimed at overcoming anxiety, panic attacks and phobias. Relaxation means more than sitting on the couch watching TV or taking a quick bath before falling into bed at night, these practices may make you feel a little relaxed but for relaxation to make a difference to anxiety and panic disorder it needs to be regular, usually daily practice of deep relaxation.

Deep relaxation is known to involve a sequence of physiological changes which would include:

Reduction in blood pressure
Reduction in rate of breathing
Reduction in heart rate
Reduction in muscle tension
Reduction in oxygen use
Increase in alpha wave brain activity
Increase in skin resistance

Regular use of deep relaxation for 30 minutes a day will lead in time to a general relaxation in the rest of your daily life, meaning that after a number of weeks practicing deep relaxation at least once a day you will tend to feel more relaxed all of the time.

Other benefits of deep relaxation include:

Decrease in generalized anxiety
Decrease in severity and frequency of panic attacks
Increase in energy level
Improved memory and concentration
Better sleep patterns
Decrease in tiredness
Prevention of headaches and other disorders such as ulcers and asthma
Increased self confidence - you perform better when you are relaxed

Some methods of achieving deep relaxation are:

Abdominal breathing - a method of breathing deeply from the abdomen
Progressive muscle relaxation
Visualization - usually a peaceful scene
Guided imagery
Sensory deprivation
Autogenic training

Practising deep relaxation involves more than just learning a method, it requires a shift in lifestyle and attitude, an eagerness to prioritize your health and peace of mind over other pressing matters such as money or status.

Some excuses commonly used for not allocating time everyday for deep relaxation are:

"I don't have the time, I'm too busy" - you must prioritize and make the time
"I don't have anywhere to relax" - another excuse, if you are determined you will find a place
"Relaxation is boring" - you need to slow down, it's good for you
"I don't have the discipline required for deep relaxation" - this normally means you haven't given it enough time to become a habit, persevere, it will get better

If you learn to take the time out each day to practice deep relaxation you will see the benefits accruing over the longer term, your anxiety or panic attacks will start to diminish in severity and frequency and you will feel so much better in yourself.

c Andrew Tudor Jones

Andrew Tudor Jones is the owner of Cure Anxiety And Panic Attacks, ?a website dedicated to helping people who suffer from anxiety and depression. ?The website offers valuable information on these conditions as well as 2 e-books which can be downloaded for free and a Blog ?updated on a regular basis with relevant information.

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