2012年8月17日 星期五

Introductions to Psychic Visions - Sensory Deprivation

Throughout the entirety of history, people have attempted to induce visions of the future in either themselves or others. Without weather satellites to provide predictions for the upcoming hours, days or weeks, visions were used to help ships navigate, tell farmers when to plant crops or even foretell how the life of a newborn child would pan out.

Although most people may think of ancient tribal shamans, witchdoctors or prophets, possibly digesting all manner of stranger herbs and mushrooms whilst dancing around fires, when talking about ancient peoples attempting to receive visions of the future, they may be surprised to find that followers of Pythagoras were trained to receive visions, and through methods which didn't require bizarre natural or alchemical combinations. By trekking to the furthest recesses of caves, they would sit in the darkness and wait. Eventually, when the blackness around them became absolute and meaningless, they would begin to experience bursts of colours and shapes that they could interpret and form into a prediction. This sort of sensory deprivation has been going on throughout history, and is still used today by many psychics.

By cutting yourself off entirely from the world, you leave your mind open to receive psychic visions. It may require complete sensory deprivation at first, but as people become more skilled and used to the sensation they may be able to achieve these visions simply by shutting their eyes in a quiet place.

Plenty of people across the world have reported experiencing similar effects, generally at times when their mind is completely absorbed by a task that requires no thought whatsoever. People who sink into incredibly deep meditation often have visions, though they may not be able to accurately interpret them. Others who have experienced these incredible occurrences are miners trapped for days in darkness, or arctic explorers or pilots who are surrounded by an entirely uniform and featureless landscape, leaving their minds free to slowly shut off higher functions, allowing them to receive psychic visions.

Although it seems that anybody is capable of receiving these visions, it requires dedication, persistence, and a certain amount of skill or training to interpret them correctly, something which the Pythagoreans knew whilst sitting in their dark, dark caves.

This article was written by Tom Sangers on behalf of Psychic Light who provide Online Psychic and Psychic Clairvoyant Reading

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