2012年1月9日 星期一

How to Identify Different Types of Teenage Drug Abuse

Teen treatment centers are springing about in various parts of the world to counter the escalating cases of teen drug abuse. These centers adopt a sensitive stands towards treating drug addiction for individuals who are in this impressionable age group. It is by now common knowledge that teenagers in a bid to ape adults, virtually abuse every drug that is abused by adults.

Teen treatment centers have witnessed a high incidence of alcohol abuse among teenagers. Nowadays whenever they want to party, many of them involve alcohol as a natural extension of feeling good about a certain event. The drugs that are abused by teens include nicotine products, prescription drugs that include weight loss drugs and cold medications, stimulants, hallucinogens, inhalants, depressants, ketamine, PCP, anabolic steroids and Ecstasy. Here is an elaborate set of information on the kind of drugs that are abused:

1. Nicotine and tobacco products: This includes cigarettes, cigars and chewing tobacco.

2. Marijuana and Hashish: The preparations of the Cannabis plant that is taken in dry herbal form is an infamous drug with teenagers. It is also called by other names like 'pot', 'Mary Jane', 'Ganja', 'weed 'etc. When smoked this drug is referred to as 'joint', 'pipe' or 'bong'.

3. Cold medications: A considerable number of teenager abuse cold medications like Benadryl and Sudafed.

4. Inhalants: Inhaling substances like ammonia and gasoline is also common and this process is called 'huffing'.

5. Stimulants: Stimulants are drugs like cocaine, methamphetamine and amphetamine. They are referred by slangs like 'black beauties', 'uppers', 'speed', 'toot', 'rock', 'crack', 'crank', 'skippy' and crystal. Stimulants, also known as 'psychostimulants' tend to cause momentary pleasure in either their physical or mental state.

6. Narcotics: Narcotics include drugs like Heroin, Morphine, Codeine, Vicodin and Oxycontin. The nicknames for these drugs are 'Tango and Cash' 'Monkey' 'Schoolboy' and 'Cody'. Narcotics tend to make a person experience increased pain tolerance or cause reduced perception of pain.

7. Hallucinogens: Drugs like LSD come under 'Hallucinogens'. The effects include pupil dilation, altered changes in terms of perception of time, emotions and senses; wakefulness and reduced appetite. Hallucinogens are also referred to by their nicknames 'yellow sunshines', 'buttons' 'acid' and mushrooms'.

8. Depressants: Depressants that comprise barbiturates and benzodiazepines can temporarily shut the function of a particular part of the mind or body. As a result, a person feels sedated. While stimulants are said to be 'uppers' depressants are 'downers' in the real sense of the term. They are known by slangs like ' roofies', 'downers', 'yellows' and 'yellow jackets'.

9. Dissociatives: Dissociatives are a class of drugs that blocks signals to the conscious mind from other parts of the brain. These drugs can cause hallucinogenic effects like putting a person into a 'trance-like' mood, leading to sensory deprivation and dissociation from what is happening around. Some of the examples include 'Phencyclidine/PCP' and Ketamine'. They are also referred to in close circles as 'getting wet', 'angel dust' 'love boat' 'lovely, 'boat', 'cat', and 'Vitamin K'.

10. Club Drugs or Ecstasy: Teenagers also abuse Club Drugs or Ecstasy (MDMA or Methylenedioxymethamphetamine) which leads to increased euphoria, a feeling of getting intimate with others and reduced anxiety and depression. They are referred by various nicknames like 'X' and 'XTC'. It is a commonly used recreational drug and commonly associated with rave parties.

All of the above types of drugs are hazardous to the body and the mind. Teen treatment centers are present to help teenagers get permanent relief from such addictions so that they are able to lead a healthy, drug-free life.

Find more information on Teenage Drug Abuse. Helpful and informative information on Adolescent Rehab Facilitie is available.

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