2012年4月21日 星期六

The Psychology of Children

On the need to focus on childhood events along with the developmental theories for a comprehensive psychology of children

Child psychology is associated with the social and personal development of children and a child goes through several stages before stepping into the adult world. The psychology of children has been studied from various perspectives including issues of nature and nurture and whether the child is a product of genes and heredity or a product of society and environment as also different developmental stages of sensory discrimination and perception, emotional expression and learning through language and cognitive development, development of intelligence and the socialization process. The study of child sexuality and sexual and moral development are also very important especially from a psychoanalytic viewpoint.

Children are vulnerable and affected easily by all events in the immediate environment. Events which are only trivial or unimportant to adults, may leave deep scars or memories in a child's mind. A child's mind is extremely impressionable and changeable and before the child reaches adolescence, certain very insignificant events can have great personal significance in a child's life. So 'childhood memories' and 'childhood events' are primary factors in determining adult personality pattern. Some major factors which can affect a child's later development and have potential long term effects are:

1. Loss or gain of a friend or friends

2. Memorable physical/bodily sensations

3. Separation in the family or divorce of parents

4. Domestic abuse or violence

5. Sexual molestation or abuse

6. Learning experiences either at play or during study

7. Personal experiences/events that evoked strong emotions of fear, joy, sorrow etc.

8. Accidents or illnesses experienced or observed

9. Death of family members, neighbors or close ones

10. Change of residence or relocation

11. Emotional relationships with friends, teachers or family members

12. Personal success or failure in school

13. Influence of films, stories, books or news events

14. War, terrorism, conflicts, bomb attacks etc.

15. Natural calamities like earthquakes, flood, famine etc.

The factors here are very general and every child goes through certain very specific events that affect him or her individually although there are certain very general theories in psychology that have been established through research studies and these theories have highlighted links between success or failure in later life and childhood events. Some of the major theorists of child development are John Bowlby, Sigmund Freud, Jean Piaget, Lawrence Kohlberg and Lev Vygotsky. Whereas Bowlby emphasized on childhood relationships, Piaget focused on cognitive development of the child through various stages and Freud wrote extensively on sexual development of children. Kohlberg studied moral development of children whereas Vygotsky analyzed the socialization process of children through social contextualism. All these theories on different aspects of child development only prove the immense complexity and the varied number of factors that tend to play a role in the psychological development of children. There are many dimensions to the psychology of children from social, emotional to cognitive, sexual and moral. Here I will provide a brief account of all these different theories and finally provide a comprehensive analysis on how these theories could be used along with the general factors listed above in the study of the psychology of children.

John Bowlby, a British psychiatrist, developed the 'attachment theory' in which he emphasized the importance of a mother or primary caregiver in a child's life. He showed in his study that any infant should develop and maintain a warm and intimate relationship with the mother or mother substitute and all maternal deprivation can lead to serious mental health problems in the child later in life. Bowlby's theory is very true and a mother should develop a strong physical and emotional intimacy with the child by being physically close to the child at least until the child is 2 years old. Doctors around the world have recommended breast feeding and an important part of this is the physical closeness between the child and the mother which is extremely necessary once the child is out of the mother's womb. When the child is released from the mother's womb, the first emotion is fear and the mother's continued physical closeness instills confidence and a sense of security in the child. Orphaned children or children who are separated from their mothers at birth require a substitute or they can grow up as mentally ill or maladjusted individuals.

Freud on the other hand provided a complete psychosexual theory and emphasized on what many of us don't like to believe - the sexual pleasure of children. Freud overturned the concept of childhood innocence and suggested that we are born with our unrepressed basic instincts which are slowly tempered with social adaptation. Freud believed that the inherent pleasure seeking desires that we are born with focus on certain erogenous zones of the body and accordingly there are different stages of psychosexual development from oral and anal to phallic, latent and genital stages. In psychosexual development, the child's pleasure seeking behavior changes from the mouth as in sucking and biting to the anus through toilet training and then finally to the genitals. Thus the child according to psychoanalysis derives complete sexual pleasure by sucking, biting, playing with genitals and releasing waste by defecation. I do not necessarily endorse Freud's views on the sexual pleasure of children and the pleasure derived from bodily sensations could be explained in other ways as I will discuss in another article.

Jean Piaget, a French-Swiss philosopher established the theory of cognitive development in children and laid out four developmental stages - the sensorimotor period, the pre-operational stage, the concrete operational stage and the formal operational stage. The first stage is when the child develops spatial abilities and comes to terms with the world through the senses during the first two years of life. The second stage is about developing and using concepts when children understand meaning of things and this continues until the age of 7. From 7-11 years the child reaches higher cognitive development through concrete operational stage and can sort and classify objects and can use logic to solve problems. The formal operational stage that begins around 12 years of age helps children to understand abstract thoughts, hidden meanings etc. Kohlberg provided a theory of moral development of children through six stages of pre-conventional, conventional and post-conventional levels. These are related to concerns for punishment and self interest, as also inner need for conformity and striving for social order, as maintaining universal ethical principles. So moral development seems to move from a belief of 'what is right and what is wrong' and whether there is punishment for the wrong to what is universally ethical and acceptable social behavior. Another prominent psychologist Vygotsky highlighted the importance of socialization and interpersonal communication and child development according to this theory is seen as an internalization of social and cultural knowledge.

Of course, all these theories will have to be added up and a complete or comprehensive theory that would provide an insight into the child's mind and behavior will have components from all these theories. In addition childhood experiences and events which have been highlighted in psychoanalytic theories are also extremely important and not just from a sexual point of view. All the general factors that I have mentioned in the beginning of the essay should be considered as factors that underlie social, sexual, moral, emotional, physical and cognitive development of children. As learning experiences lead to cognitive development, personal emotional experiences lead to later emotional development and maturity. Sexual molestation, abuse or other types of bodily sensations in childhood affect later sexual development and divorce or separation in the family can affect moral development. Thus an individual who has been molested as a child may either develop a fear of sexual activity or may show complete lack of sexual restraint as an adult.

A child who has lived without a father may either become extremely irresponsible or can develop into an adult with a very strong sense of parental responsibility. Experiencing trauma in childhood through death or accidents of family members or living in times of war, natural calamities have deep impact on children and can leave a perennial sense of insecurity or a need for attachment in the children which continues through adulthood and even old age or on the other hand these events can make a child isolated, schizophrenic or simply detached in later life. For healthy life of children it is important to not just depend on psychological theories to understand how a child grows up and perceives the world, but it is also important to focus on events or experiences of the child and use these along with the theories for complete psychological understanding of children.

In contemporary child psychology the focus on events is mainly psychoanalytic and the impact of adverse events is considered especially significant. However it is important that all events, positive and negative are considered and this should then be used to complement psychological theories. To understand the child, it is important to understand the child's world and memories so an 'event-based' psychology of children should be balanced with a 'theory-based' psychology of children.

Reflections in Psychology - Part I - by Saberi Roy (2009)

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The Nature of Happiness - 20 Nature Based Things You Can Do To Improve Your Happiness

Find Your Life Purpose - according to nature's law -everything in nature has a purpose, including you. Anything that doesn't follow its purpose in nature gets destroyed. Illness, sadness, depression, failure and stress are all warning signs of being off purpose. So, find your single life purpose and tattoo it on your arm...

See Beauty - according to nature's law - there's a balance to everything and when you see that balance our mind sees beauty. Look for beauty in everything, especially people you might be angry with or critical of, but equally important, see balance and therefore beauty in you.

Do a little Healing - according to nature's law - learning teaches us to think and we think about things as either good or bad, right or wrong. Unlearning things means you think less, feel more and to really do this authentically you need to see the two sides of someone or something. Doing some healing means more feeling, less thinking - the result is turning up 110% with a good balanced heart.

Avoid resentment or frustration - according to nature's law - when we are stuck, in our own evolution the signs are simple and clear. We get angry and frustrated. Usually we say "he did this or she did that" to cause it, but that delusional and denial. When faced with anger and frustration see where you are stuck and then work through it to see how much love you can feel. Important here is not to gush with love and bubble over with expletives about how wonderful you feel. That's self indulgent. Instead, hold your tongue and feel instead of think.

Break down a Barrier - according to nature's law - all things are connected but our ego feels fantastic when we feel separated, independent, egocentric and powerful. So, to breakdown a barrier is to inspire a whole new thinking about someone or something and that causes massive doses of real happiness. Choose somebody else and ask "where am I like them?" - because in nature, nothing is missing it just changes in form and so, really, what you might be judging in someone else, you are judging in you too, just in a different form.

Change your Vibe - according to nature's law - everything vibrates. Our thoughts determine that vibration so how do we change that vibration? We change our thoughts. Which thoughts are better? Thankful thoughts are better. So the more thankful the thought the better it is. Now this doesn't mean platitudes what it does mean is to really go back and find the benefit of something that you would otherwise have thought negative. Say for example somebody cheated on you; can you see the benefit in that? This change in your thought process can really make a difference to your happiness.

See things differently - according to nature's law - everything grows at the border of chaos and order. In the ambition of most human beings order is the preference. Order means; support, pleasure, happiness, friendliness, peace, generosity, acceptance, and approval. So you can see that in the human mind there is a preference for only half of what nature determines to be the reality in which we live. If we continually aspire to defy nature we find ourselves in a battle with over 8000 diseases, untold number of humbling situations and an exhausting wrestle with inevitable. Instead simply by changing the way we see things we can boost our happiness ratio 500% in a few hours. The idea is to see that life is not half as is the ambition of the human ego, but a balance of support and challenge and that the lack of pleasure, unhappiness, unfriendliness, war, greed, rejection are all part of a dynamic played out with those things we like. If you can see the equal benefit of both support and challenge in your life your happiness ratio will escalate.

Go Bush - according to nature's law - our separation from nature is the root all human problems. Our thoughts and worries, Ego, travel with us wherever we go so there is really no escape from misguided thinking that causes unhappiness. However, if we can immerse ourselves in nature to the point where there is a dependency we find a harmony that cannot be understood through thinking. For example paddling a kayak one learns that no matter how much we think the water should be flat if nature decides to throw away our way she will and we have to deal with that. This is why I fully support competitive nature-based sports because it takes us from a dependency on our worries and thoughts to dependency on the reality of nature and the laws. Just a few minutes in nature depending on her rather than our expectations of her will increase our happiness tenfold.

Downtime - according to nature's law - everything grows at the border of chaos and order and therefore everybody experiences enlightenment when they cross - it's a moment of absolute relaxation and we can choose how often these moments happen. We all love time off but sometimes after a few days break it makes coming back to work twice as bad as it was before we left. So downtime can lead to all sorts of confusion as to what is normal and what is abnormal expectations of the day. For example; I once went to Bali retreat 7 days and spent in the luxury of a spa resort. During that time I was washed, scrubbed, pampered, fed and generally treated like a king. When I returned to my everyday Sydney city life I felt like a pauper and it made me angry that I couldn't spend the whole of my life in that beautiful spa. So instead of creating this duality of places that are magical and other places that aren't I think it's better to create a consistency of happiness in which we can create these moments of magnificence anytime we want. So downtime isn't a holiday, it's a break in a day. Given that we evolve with nature at the border of chaos and order a break comes when we actually sit on the border of chaos in order instead of fluctuating either side of. This is called stillness or in everyday language, love. To create such a moment all we need to do is resign ourselves to contentment and satisfaction that what we have is perfect. This skill gives us the ability to take downtime anytime.

Change your perspective - according to nature's law - there's order in the chaos and sometimes to see that we have to separate ourselves from things and get a bigger perspective. Sometimes when we have an argument with somebody we might walk away feeling very angry. We walk and walk getting further and further away and as we do our anger gets less. It's the same with time. We might have an argument with somebody and walk away and the longer the time between the argument and the present moment the less anger we feel. Both time and space change perspective. But walking away and waiting enormous amounts of time to heal an argument seem self-destructive as holding that anger for any length of time is unhealthy for ourselves let alone others. So to gain the perspective of time and space instantaneously the best way to deal with anger or arguments is to take time out, go sit on the moon (in your mind's eye) and look back at the situation from that perspective. In nature there is such a perspective. Looking at things through nature's eyes we need to sit on the moon because it has a very big picture of where small things fit. If you look at the world from the moon you will see trees falling and trees growing, you will see people birthing and people dying. You'll see how the world operates from a totally different perspective and what was once the cause of your unhappiness will actually flip and become the cause of great happiness. There is order in the chaos and from the moon you can see it.

Diversify - according to nature's law - diversification is the key to survival. A tree has branches, leaves, roots, bark and is impacted by night and day. So nature flexes with circumstances. But humans quite often see themselves as a fixed entity. People so often make up their minds to do things their way, one way, the right way, my way or the highway. Few things cause more unhappiness to both self and other then this single dimension perspective that humans so often think is healthy. How we operate at work needs to be different to how we operate at home but more importantly how we see ourselves needs to be bigger than just a worker, a provider, a thinker or a doer. We are a body, mind, worker, partner, thinker, spirit, provider and contributor. There are so many dimensions to being human And when we remember this wee free ourselves up to be happier because we don't beat ourselves up as much for getting it wrong occasionally.

Take Short Cuts - Save Time - according to nature's law - there is a scale of functionality from desperation to inspiration - from storm to calm and we can choose which one we operate at. If you were running in the Olympic games 100 m final would you be late for the start? Or would you be early, warm up, enjoy the space and then do the work, run the 100 m the best you can? Sometimes we get the idea that the healthiest way to work is to be rushing from meeting to meeting, running late, driving through traffic with anxiety hoping to get to our next appointment on time. As our world and the people in it evolve this manic style of self leadership needs to shift. A person who is rushing, busy, may get more done than a person who is going slow however, if the measure is placed more on the quality of the work, the creativity applied, the relationships built and the long-term benefit there will be an unquestionable benefit to going slow in order to go fast.

Expect the possible - according to nature's law - half is impossible and yet, there are a lot of hippies in the world who would say expect the impossible. But I've found it wiser to expect the possible. For example; if I want a relationship that is good I am wiser to expect support and challenge in that relationship than to expect the impossible which is support only. If my expectations are wrong I will be perpetually unhappy (depressed) because the world will not fit the model I have in my head.The perfect way to find happiness is to expect the world to function the way it functions rather than to be walking around wishing the world were different.

Get humble - according to nature's law - there are nature's laws, and we can't escape them no matter how many bombs we blow or how angry we get. There is something in this world bigger than our own opinion. Even our opinion that our opinion is right is a self-righteousness that can cause great unhappiness. There is something in this world bigger than our own opinion and often this is solved as religious beliefs. But because there is disagreement about which religious belief is right and which religious belief is wrong there must be an even higher or bigger opinion than all the religions combined. So there are various levels of humility the highest humility is to find something in this world way bigger than both our own opinion and the opinions of arguing religions. These are the universal laws.

Emulate a dog - according to nature's law - appreciation grows - depreciation shrinks so, it may sound hilarious, but one of the greatest ways to understand how to be a great human being is to copy a dog. A dog is faithful. A dog is loyal. A dog is forgiving. A dog is affectionate. I build links itself (probably not something to copy).

Deal with a fear - according to nature's law - human will and divine will are one in the same topic. But when fear comes it means they are separate... Human will has taken control of your destiny. Fear relates to fear of the future. It's really hard to fear the past. We can have guilt of the past but fear of the past is very uncommon. Fear of the future can create enormous unhappiness because it forms a barrier between what we would love to do and what we actually do. Getting over that fear might just be the leap of faith you need in order to step into a new level of happiness in your life. Mostly, we fear the unknown which is exactly what the future presents. We can minimise the risk of the future but we can't eliminate the risk of the future. Backing yourself into the future at least knowing that if everything goes pear shaped you will survive will bring an incredible sense of strength and inner happiness. This in no way suggests taking undue risk.

Simplify - according to nature's law - everything has a purpose but if we drill down to the finite little pieces of life things get too complicated to remember that bigger organising principle and so we become overwhelmed. Technology is designed to help us evolve, so technology is an organising principle. The trilogy of organise, supervise and deputise reveal the process of using technology to continually simplify life and work. Systems must replace repetitive thinking so that the human mind is left to its highest capacity and that is creativity and inspiration. The happiest person you know will work on the highest priorities. When a person works on low priority tasks life becomes complex and this sabotage is this self worth and they replace self worth with self-esteem (ego).

Manifestation - according to nature's law - Hoping that the world will give us what we want is a wonderful dream is that helps so many desperate people stay connected and part of the global machine of community, family and respect. However, the greatest human rights abuses come from this level of thinking. Hope puts our power in the hands of others and those people are not always acting in our best interest. There are real tangible steps to manifestation; purpose, vision, goals, daily habits, visualisation, words of power, speech, gratitude, infatuation, communication and action. If you break down the structure of a tree and understand how the DNA develops from the seed to the fully grown tree you will see this manifestation formula in action every time.When a human being is creating something and believes that what they dream they can create their happiness will be at a peak level.

Relationship - according to nature's law - all things are connected and therefore relationship is a critical element of human existence. However, we're very confused about this. When a person loses their spirit and begins to feel that they cannot create the happiness they deserve as an individual they often reach out to others to create a crutch or even rescue them from their own existence. That rescue takes the form of substitutes for happiness. There are four substitutes for happiness; food and substance (includes alcohol and drugs), greed (includes adrenaline addiction), sex and sexuality (includes flirting) and spirituality (includes idealism and withdrawal into sensory deprivation - meditation). The core of great relationships is built on individual happiness and once this is was taken responsibility for relationship becomes an incredible inspiration.

Honesty - according to nature's law - nothing is ever missing it just changes in form and so most of our thoughts which cause us to seek improvement, change, happiness and pleasure are based on a foundation of dishonesty. If we can stop long enough we will find that nothing is ever missing in our lives it just changed form. My favourite happiness quote is "if you don't appreciate it the way that you've got it you won't get it the way that you want it" this simply means that if we are continually striving on the basis that something is missing or something can be improved we are very often sabotaging our happiness and making the road ahead very difficult. Happiness and contentment are one in the same topic if we are looking for low maintenance high sustainability experience. Of course, the human ego-human nature - is always wanting something more. The realisation is that the achievement of one goal usually gives birth to 3 more and so we give birth to an exponential growth in desire and an exponential deterioration in happiness if we don't appreciate what we've got the way that we've got it as a foundation of our aspiration.

Chris Walker < http://www.chriswalker.com.au > is a visionary business consultant and of the world's leading facilitators of Personal/Professional Development. Author, consultant and professional speaker, his considered a leader in the field of human potential and lifestyles for success. His VIP and Mastery Programs have been attended by thousands of individuals around the world seeking tools to live life and manage their careers to their fullest potential. http://www.chriswalker.com.au

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The I Love to Eat Diet That Works Everytime

You could drug it with some obesity medication, and try to suppress it, but risk the horrible side effects like insomnia, terrible headaches or even high blood pressure. On the other hand you could really try to overcome the callings of the monster with pure willpower, by just saying no to it and to those high-kilojoules foods it usually wants, but you would probably end up feeling deprived. Then you could also try and cage it by following one of those very cruel artificial eating regiments that they call a diet. Oh, what a horrible word diet is. 

The there is the option of doing something very unusual, to some it might even sound strange, lets dot he natural thing that has been proven to work, time after time. By not even trying to defeat this monster, your appetite, lets satisfy it instead. To many of us this would sound absolutely absurd, how in the world can you lose weight and satisfy your appetite at the same time. Well, let me show you how it is possible to feed the monster and stay healthy, fit and even lose weight.

The missing ingredient in weight management is that feeling of fullness at the end of a meal, to feel satisfied and full with fewer calories. What creates that satisfied full feeling is mainly volume, the simple bulk of the food you eat. In other words, if you consume low energy density meals, that are low in kilojoules but has lots of substance, you will readily satisfy your appetite without the weight gain. 

Lets take a look at a few examples of such high-volume, low kilojoules, appetite busting foods.

Soup creates that satisfied full feeling in just about every way any food can. There are several reasons for this, first your eyes see the big portion, and then you smell the steamy aroma which generates a lot of sensory stimulation. Then the large volume of the fluid fills your stomach, and with an ingredient rich soup, it takes longer to digest, thus keeping you full and satisfied for longer.

Light versions of soups are recommended, like minestrone, potato leak, corn chowder, mushroom barley and gazpacho soup. Remember to watch out for those cream based soups as they are loaded with fat and kilojoules. Having a soup as a light meal, snack or starter will tame your appetite, keeping you full and satisfied for longer.

Anyone who drinks a glass of Vegetable juice before lunch, will intake an average of 600 kilojoules fewer with mealtime. With this juice salt content and temperature is not a factor. What works in doing this is the low energy density and modest dose of fiber content of the juice, and a bonus is that it tastes good too.

Bran flakes are a terrific source of fiber, and they give you a lot to eat for very few kilojoules, and like all high fiber foods, they tend to take the edge of your appetite monster as well. One of the easiest ways to get your daily fiber is to eat a good healthy breakfast that is high in fiber. A person who has such a breakfast takes in about 400 fewer kilojoules for breakfast and lunch combined. 

Having an appetite suppressing fruit protein smoothie for breakfast knocks out hunger because it is nutrient dense, and like al meals that balance protein, fat and carbohydrates, it helps keep your blood sugar levels steady as well. Here is a good option for a healthy delicious fruit protein breakfast smoothie. Take a scoop of protein powder, 6 bananas, a cup of strawberries (frozen or fresh), ¾ cup of water and two teaspoons of almonds. Combine all these in the mixer and enjoy.

Appealing sweet and juicy berries and other fruit may be the ultimate smartest snack of all. Along with the high water content, berries have lots of fiber, as does other fruit and they are really filling with very few kilojoules. Just picture this snack, 10 large jelly beans, 20 tiny fat free pretzel twists, and about 3 cups of fresh strawberries or any other fresh fruit. That is not enough jelly beans or pretzels to make even a dent in your appetite, but the berries or fresh fruit will do just that. 

Salsa, the fiery chemical in red chilies, the spicy stuff added to either breakfast or lunch will make you eat less afterwards. These make you cut on hunger between meals, and tend to pare down the number of kilojoules you eat at the next meal. Chilies act as a non pharmacological stimulant, which boosts the activity of the sympathetic nervous system. This makes you feel less hungry and more satisfied and full. Have some omelets with hot sauce, or top baked potatoes with fresh salsa for breakfast, a small meal or just to snack on. 

Many OF us, including myself, just cannot stop eating and are not fully satisfied until we've had that something sweet. This does not necessarily have to be a bad thing, how lucky for low fat frozen desserts that is one of the best ways to satisfy that sweet tooth without pilling on the extra kilojoules.  Seventy grams of ice cream weighs in at about 460 grams, whereas half a cup of chocolate frozen yogurt would add 480 kilojoules to you dinner. 

So have a satisfying amount of low energy density food at your meal, and then finish it off with a nice low fat frozen dessert and you are well on you way to lose that extra weight, and you are full and satisfied and the monster will not complain at all. You won't even know that he is there. 


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2012年4月20日 星期五

What Are The Things To Take Note Before You Try BDSM

Once in a while, you may hear something about bondage sex. Your lover has indicated he/she is okay with the idea of introducing some kind of bondage play into your lovemaking. To spice things up, you also want to try something different. Here are the things you should consider or look out for when you try bondage sex.

There are basically 2 different types of bondage sex -

(a) Restraint

This can include spanking and whipping or just providing different types of sensational stimulation on your lover's skin and genitals. A great way to start this is to restraint your partner and experiment with the different kinds of items to touch and massage your partner. This can be feather dusters, ice cubes, warming lotion, comb, brush, fur massage mitt, vibrator, massage ball, paintbrush, leather belt, etc. Feel free to find items around your house. But make sure that whatever you use will not injure your partner. Do exercise caution.

(b) Restraint with sensory deprivation

Besides restraining the submissive party, you will include depriving him/her of one of the 5 senses. The most popular sensory deprivation device is to use a blindfold. When a person is being blindfolded, his/her sense of touch becomes heightened. If this is to be combined with a little restraint, the anticipation of where you are going to touch him/her next is enough to get your partner totally turned on. Therefore when you do touch your lover, he/she is going to be very stimulated sexually.

When You Should Take Note

(1) Only engage in bondage sex with someone you can trust

This is not to be tried in a one-night stand affair or in any short-term flings. Think about this. You are going to totally surrender your body by being restrained and maybe even blindfolded. The trust you have in the other person that he/she is not going to do anything against your wishes is very important. This is unlikely to exist with someone you do not know or with someone you have not yet discussed your expectations and boundaries.

(2) Safety

Always practice safe sex. Do not jump into any unfamiliar activities such as caning, whipping, candle wax dripping, etc. Some of the more severe acts require you to have an extensive amount of knowledge or you can severely injure your partner.

Always proceed with caution by starting with some light action, and then you can gradually increase the intensity or force of your strike. Doing this too strong too soon can only hurt your partner. Do rest after spanking to allow the sensation to get into your partner's mind and skin. Rub your lover's skin that has just been smacked with your hand or some other soft object.

Practice with your sex toy or tool before using it on your lover so that you will not accidentally hit a sensitive part of your lover's body. This is especially with whips that can easily get out of control. You and your partner can practice together. Strike him/her while fully clothed in a non-sexual setting, just to test them with the power of your striking.

Whatever tools you choose, do not strike directly on any bony part of the body (spine, collarbone, elbows, knee caps and chin), neck or head, the lower back where kidneys are located and the back of knees. Do not tie anything tightly around the neck. Make sure the nose and mouth are not been covered. When you want to tie anything on any part of the body, make sure it is not too tight as to cut off blood circulation and that it can be removed quickly. Also make sure that the restraining item will not get tighter if he/she pulls on them.

Do not leave your partner's arms or legs suspended in the air for too long because this can cause numbness due to the lack of blood circulation. When this is going to take a long time, allow some intervals when your lover can move his/her limbs to get the blood circulating. Never leave your partner alone when his/her movement is being restricted.

(3) Communication

You have to know beforehand the limits of what you can do on your partner. These limits must be respected and abided by. Most people involved in restraint sex have a safety word or words or any gesture that is being agreed upon to mean that you should stop all activity. Your partner will use these safety signals when he/she is uncomfortable to something so that you can stop what you are doing immediately.

(4) Consent

The whole point of bondage sex is for both of you to have fun and mutual enjoyment. You should not do this just to please your partner, or else you will never enjoy it. You also should not force your partner into it.

Keep these words in your mind - trust, safety, communication and consent - before engaging in any act of BDSM or light bondage. If you can keep the safety and comfort of your partner in mind when doing this, you can both have a wonderful time. Want to find out more or want to try something different in your sex life? Click on Eternal Flame.

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Vertical Gardening For Children

Vertical gardening has a lot to offer the space deprived gardener. As our dwellings seem to become larger and the surrounding open space reduced, the need to turn open space into green space is even more pressing. A sad part of this loss of space is the lost opportunity for gardens and gardening, particularly for the children in our communities.

Whereas once a garden for free, open play would have been the norm in almost every Australian child's life, these days, those spaces are often compromised. Children can become disconnected from the natural world and some children might be limited to accessing public gardens to have any sort of 'hands on' understanding and relationship with nature including growing plants, food production and the quality of the air we breathe. Vertical gardening might hold the key for families wanting to nurture a relationship with nature in their children who are challenged with limited space.

Vertical gardening offers parents an opportunity to inject much needed greenery into a small space but to importantly provide an active gardening 'experience' for their children so that they can enjoy the sensory experience and satisfaction of growing plants to fruition. Vertical garden systems that are soil media based and open tiered, offer a traditional gardening 'experience' in that the kids (and adults) can dig in them with their trowels and plant seeds, seedlings or even advanced plants.

Benefits of vertical gardening for kids

fast growing plants
bright colours
quirky foliage
hardy plants
plants that they can trim
all the fun stuff, planting, watering and harvesting without the chores!

The kinds of plants that kids will really enjoy growing in their vertical gardens are hardy, reliable performers that germinate and or mature fairly quickly. Lettuce, rocket and radishes are fairly quick from seed. Hardy flowers like dwarf marigolds and calendulas add colour and interest and combine gorgeously with edibles in the vertical garden. Kids also like quirky flowers and veggies so look for odd colour mixes and dwarf or novelty coloured vegetable varieties. Of course, favourites like strawberries will always be highly desirable and they grow so well in vertical gardens, you'd be mad not to plant at least a few.

It's a fantastic feeling for parents to give their children some exposure to how produce is grown and why it's great to grow your own - vertical gardening can provide that in an aesthetically pleasing and space saving way. Knowing also that all of the goodies you and your kids produce are pesticide and herbicide residue free is also reassuring, particularly when the produce is plucked fresh from the Vertical Garden before making it into the kitchen!

Of course, gardeners (even non-gardeners) of all ages will be drawn to a Vertical Garden; these living walls provide beauty and nourishment on many levels. People find common ground, conversation and so many opportunities for sharing. Whether it be knowledge, produce or any of the myriad of other ways that gardening seems to bring out the best in people - even if we do garden in many different ways these days!

Carolyn Blackman is the co-director of http://edennow.com.au. edenNOW is the sole distributor for the open tiered, steel GARSY range of vertical garden products in Australia. Carolyn has over 20 years experience in Horticulture and Landscape Design- she is a regular guest on Saturday Morning Gardening program on Melbourne radio ABC 774

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2012年4月19日 星期四

The Emergence Of Ego

In "The Unknown Self" George Frankl outlines the phases of pre-verbal life which contribute to our adult personality. The first phase concerns the relationship between the child's lips and the mother's breast. The second phase relates to a refocus of interest into the skin or periphery.

Frankl writes, "The child will be able to have a good feeling of itself and of its own body if it experiences the mother's embrace, her affectionate touch and her attention".

The extension of sensitivity from the lips to the entire periphery is the point at which the child begins to experience itself as a distinct entity. It also starts to develop a sense that other bodies exist independently of it - an awareness of externality.

Should the perception of touch be cold, indifferent or depriving the entire process of creating a unique individual with a sense of identity can be disrupted. Incomplete peripheral nurture results in increased muscular tension in the baby and lays the seeds for a sense of alienation from others and the world in total.

Poor experience of infantile connection with the parent generates feelings of meaninglessness. In extreme forms the sense of time and space is also disturbed. More typically this stage can result in a sense of isolation and a history of muscular tension.

Stiffness and awkwardness of movement can be interpreted as repressed rage within the body, which though carefully hidden, never fails to manifest behind a mask of restraint.

From about eighteen months onward the peripheral phase extends to an awareness of vision. A new dimension of self awareness emerges as the child acquires a visual image of itself which reflects the mother's own image of the child.

Our emotions are manifest in the eyes and they will expand with pleasure or tense with anxiety - they become taut in states of anger in the same way as the lips in the oral phase. The eyes pull back in states of fear producing a visual sensation of darkness but move forward and expand in states of pleasure to create light.

Clearly the warm and loving embrace of others has a critical role to play in establishing a sense of identity and self esteem.

As the child develops and sensory stimulation increases the need arises to integrate the multiplicity of information in order to keep this embryonic sense of self intact. The arbitrating function is Ego." It is the function that transforms sensations into perceptions and impulses into acts of will".

The successful conclusion of this phase leads to a sense of purposeful self- consciousness. The Ego attends to thousands of stimuli but selects between them to create psychic equilibrium in keeping with its own self image.

Positive stroking and affectionate nurture are vital for mental health not just in early childhood but throughout adult life. We are a function of the quality of contact we have with others. Touch has a dramatic impact on self esteem because it links us back to our infantile selves.

Peter Urey

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Tips For Increasing Height

The soul is beyond the body and hence from this perspective, it is immaterial how tall or short a person is. The true height of a person is his or her character and deeds.

Yet, tall height is a natural ambition of humans. I agree that in current context it is partly because of the glamour associated with tall height. If that were the driver for any urge for height increase, the efforts would defeat the purpose. Because the true purpose for height increase should stem from an earnest desire to achieve as much of our potential as we can. A tall height represents complete growth of the body and hence we should endeavor to achieve that complete growth.

Height does vary from person to person as per his or her genetics, climate and other conditions. Thus blanket comparison of height with others is not a right approach. Instead the correct approach should be to keep as healthy as possible to gain complete growth of body.

I was born as a medium height child. Till age of 17, my height did not grow much. At age of 17, at just above 5 feet, I was among the short students of my class and often ridiculed for being short and thin. Very honestly, at times I did feel humiliated at tended to avoid public company to the extent possible. The matter got worse because I could see many other boys who were shorter than me few years ago now surpassing me.

But for once, I decided to no more rationalize and act as an ostrich. I decided to take my concern heads-on. I changed my complete life-pattern. For next two years, I committed to new patterns and by the time I was nineteen, I was 5'11" and had an extremely flexible and agile body. Today I have a height of above 6 feet.

In this article, I would share those tips that I followed in my height transformation process. I am sure these will benefit one and all in achieving their maximum potential:

Tip 1: Mind Power

Our body responds to our thoughts. As per our thought patterns, appropriate hormones are secreted and physiological changes happen accordingly. Positive thoughts reverse aging process and improve health. Negative thoughts accelerate aging process and stunt growth. Thus first critical step for height gain is to reprogram your thought patterns. Not only it will help you increase height, but also bring benefits in all areas of your life. To me, it made me a diligent person that helped me get admission in IIT. Here are specific suggestions on mind programming for height-gain:

Refuse to accept that you are born unhealthy and short. Visualize yourself as having the most perfect health and live every moment in that vision.
Stop compromising on matters of quality. Keep demanding as much as you can think of, from yourself.
Imagine that your height is increasing every moment with every movement of yours.
Stop traits of anger, helplessness and dejection.

Remember that will power is the key. Once you get a good grasp on it, rest would work automatically. If you try out these tips without strong will-power, it would never work. This secret gets you everything you want in life.

Tip 2: Food

Simply stop junk, fried, spicy and oily food. I cannot stress further the importance of simple, nutritious, healthy food. Our body is made out of food we eat. We grow from a baby of few inches to a full-grown adult only through food we eat. Food is the raw material used to build our building that we call body. How can you expect a strong building to be built if you use inferior raw material from junkyard?

Following are certain recommendations that have helped me:

Eating at least two hours before sleep
Having a light dinner
Regular consumption of sprouts
Having regular eating schedule and avoiding habit of munching every now and then
Avoiding consumption of tea, coffee, cold-drinks, ice-cream, chocolates etc
Regular use of trifala powder in night or early morning
Eating lots of fresh fruits
Drinking lots of water
Walking for 10-15 minutes after meals
Eating soaked almonds in morning. The gulbandi variety is best.
Eating in sukhasan. This posture is a wonderful gift of our ancient seers.

Tip 3: Exercise

Human body is built to work hard and live actively. More we avoid physical labor, more we become prone to underdevelopment, faster aging and ailments. Make a habit of doing rigorous workouts at least thrice a week and normal exercises in rest of the days.

My routine in those days was as follows:

Waking up by 5 am and having a variety of workouts till 8 am. These included mix and match of following:

Running and jogging
Flexibility and stretching
Martial Arts practice
Asans and Pranayams

In evening I used to go for Taekwondo exercises thrice a week. The practice of high kicks is extremely beneficial
On Sundays, we used to go to play cricket.

This active routine worked wonders on my body and activity.

Would request all health-seekers to join taekwondo lessons close-by. Taekwondo differs from other martial arts. In taekwondo, emphasis is on high kicks and free stretching which helps body grow. In many other martial arts, focus is on restricting body movements within a small region. Thus it seems to restrict height of a person.

Similarly weight-training should be avoided for first 20 years of life. That should be replaced with free hand exercises like pushups.

Many claim that Yogasan can help increase height. I even saw a video on it by a celebrated hathayogi. He gave a passionate speech in the video that seemed to showcase short height as source of all miseries and inferiority complex. Ironically the hathayoga guru himself appeared not more than five and a half feet!

The fact is that hathayoga is being overemphasized bit too much these days and its benefits are being over-inflated as a marketing gimmick. Certain asans do benefit but in essence it's the overall package of healthy lifestyle which is effective. Replace these hathasans with any kind of aerobic physical activity and results would be exactly the same. Perhaps even more!

Having said this, certain postures are quite useful for height growth. These should be added in one's fitness routine - chakrasana, halasana, sarvangasana, pashchimatanasana, pavanmuktasana, hastapadasana, mayurasana. Among Pranayams, the only pranayams I have found to be truly effective are Bahya Pranayam, Abhyantara and Chaturtha Pranayama. These provide all the benefits that are claimed from variety of breathing practices like Anulom Vilom, Bhastrika etc. These pranayams with rigorous cardio in open air gives all the benefit you desire from a fitness regime.

Do ensure that you develop a habit of deep breathing. We shall discuss the art of deep breathing in a separate article.

Tip 4: Miscellaneous

Sleep well. More you work out, more the rest required by your body. Especially for growth, you should ensure that you do not deprive your body from much needed rest.
Sleep early. Work so hard in the day that you tend to fall asleep by 10 pm. Wake up by 5 or 6 depending upon your comfort. I prefer varying the waking time as per my body needs. Avoid late night sittings.
Keep spine straight
While standing, try to stretch your entire body up. At times come on your toes for a full stretch. You can even raise your hands for a fuller stretch. In more formal occasions, you can stand normally and yet try stretching your entire body without raising your toes. Keep doing it every now and then. If you are in a bus, try if you can stretch up without coming on toes and touch the ceiling with head.
Do not settle in one static position for long. Keep moving and changing postures. Remain active and give body a small workout every moment.

Tip 5: Brahmachraya (Control of mind)

Needless to say, all of this works only with a perfect control over mind. Make a habit of challenging your mind with even more control every moment. Once mind is mastered, the world will be at your feet, height is a petty thing.

To develop this mastery and realize what the real fun of life is, following is advised. More you practice, more you gain:

Stop putting your mind in all form of sensory inputs that tend to promote lustful thought patterns - romantic/vulgar songs, movies, literature, company. These generate hormones which speed up the ageing process and stunt complete natural growth.
Stop watching the idiot box. Apart from dumbing the mind, it makes your breath shallow and hence causes stunted growth.
Similarly avoid video games, iPods and other mind-dumbing tools.
Stop digging too much into stale newspaper. Use it only for keeping you updated. Filling your mind with depressing stories of past, the first thing in morning, is the worst treatment you can give to yourself who is naturally programmed to be always forward looking.
Prepare actionable plans. Avoid discussions and analyses which have no relevance to practical application and are merely time-wasters.
Needless to say, avoid all acts which lead to loss of vital energy and semen.

We shall discuss the subject of Brahmacharya in detail in another article and dispel certain myths surrounding the subject. Brahmacharya is the greatest potential remedy for all humans living today and needs a right, relevant and correct representation.

Please share your feedback with these practices. They should start giving results in a few months. Apart from a full body growth, you would also gain a healthy body and confident attitude.

Stretch to your fullest potential!

For more articles on Health and Fitness, visit Health section of Agniveer site.

Agniveer is dedicated to cause of rationality and objectivity for blissful and purposeful living and contains variety of articles on various aspects of enthused living.

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2012年4月18日 星期三

Why Is Sleep Important For Your Health

We all know that sleep is essential to our health and well-being. Yet, ironically, various surveys conducted showed that millions of people still suffer from lack of sleep. For example, many Americans experience some form of sleep problems at least a few nights a week or more. And sometimes, most of these problems go undiagnosed or untreated. But we must understand that not sleeping enough and not sleeping well is not okay, and never will be. Being deprived of sleep can cause a great impact on your body. But how?

Here is a short list of the known reasons why is sleep important for your health.

A healthier heart. Lack of sleep has been associated with worsening of blood pressure and cholesterol, all of which are risk factors of heart attack and stroke. It is also been said that heart attacks and strokes are more common during early morning hours. This fact may be explained by the way sleep interacts with the blood vessels.
Decreased risk for cancer. According to studies, people working the late shift have a higher risk for breast and colon cancer. This may be caused by differing levels of melatonin in people who are exposed to light at night. Light exposure reduces the level of melatonin, a hormone that regulates our sleep and is thought to protect against cancer. It has been believed that melatonin suppresses the growth of tumors.
Increased energy levels and being more alert. When you are well rested from a night of high quality restorative sleep, you have much more energy and have increased alertness the following day. In addition, being engaged and active does not only make you feel great but it will also increase your chances for another good night's sleep. When you wake up feeling refreshed, you can use that energy to get out into the daylight, do active things, and be engaged in the world. You'll sleep better the next night and the night after.
A happier, calmer, more positive attitude.Lack of sleep can have a drastic effect on your mental health. If you are constantly tired and drained, it can make you irritable, moody and negative. Moreover, sleep impacts many of the chemicals in your body, including serotonin. People with a deficiency in serotonin are more likely to suffer from depression. You can help to prevent depression by making sure you are getting the right amount of sleep.
Reduced appetite, thus helping you lose weight. Researcher shows that people who sleep less than seven hours per night are more likely to be overweight or obese. It is thought that the lack of sleep impacts the balance of hormones in the body that affect appetite. The hormones ghrelin and leptin, important for the regulation of appetite, have been found to be disrupted by lack of sleep. Therefore, by getting enough sleep, you will have much more control over your appetite.
Better memory recollection and improved concentration. Your dreams and deep sleep are an important time for your brain to make memories and links. It is during this time that the brain is busy processing your day, making connections between events, sensory input, feelings and memories. Getting more quality sleep will help you remember and process things better. In addition, when your mind has rested well, you'll find you yourself having improved concentration and feeling much sharper during the day.
Faster physical recovery. It is during our sleep that our body repairs damage caused by stress, ultraviolet rays and other harmful exposures. Our cells produce more protein while we sleep and these protein molecules form the building blocks for cells, allowing them to repair damage. Without the right kind of sleep, our body cannot repair itself properly.
Improved sexual appetite. When you are shattered due to a lack of sleep, one of the last things on your mind is sex. By getting enough sleep, you'll get your life, and sex life, back on track.

With the above reasons, it is with no doubt why is sleep important for your health. Each individual needs to get enough rest for our body processes to function well. If you happen to be suffering from a sleeping problem, you need not to worry because there are many means out there for you to overcome it. When you get the right amount of sleep you needed, you are sure to avail yourself of the above health benefits.

Having trouble getting to sleep? Click here to discover an effective sleep supplement that helps you get a quality, restorative sleep.

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The Hazards of Untreated Gonorrhea

Most people assume that gonorrhea always comes with a bevy of uncomfortable symptoms. Unfortunately, this is not always so. Worse still, untreated gonorrhea can allow for complications that can last a lifetime, and even deprive individuals of the ability to reproduce. This is why it is imperative if you think you may have gonorrhea, go for std testing.

Gonorrhea is often associated with painful, burning urination. Most people believe that if this symptom is not present, there is no need to seek treatment. The reality however, is that gonorrhea can be present even without making its symptoms known. This is especially true with men who often experience asymptomatic gonorrhea, which is the infection itself, absent of any visual or sensory cues. In fact, it has been concluded in some research cases that as many as one in five men with the infection may show no symptoms at all.

The bacteria that causes gonorrhea is commonly passed through vaginal, anal and oral sex. It can also however, live in the eyes, the nose and the throat, causing pain and issues in these areas as well. In fact, an infected person can easily transmit the disease from one area of the body to another by simply touching these places with unwashed hands allowing for swift transference.

Men who do experience symptoms may have pain during urination and the presence of blood in the urine itself. If untreated, the frequency and severity of this may increase. There might also be a discharge from the penis that can be pus-like and yellow in coloration. Men may also experience a slight, painful swelling in the penis glans, and the tip or corona of the penis may appear reddish and fevered.

For women, the presence of this infection may create an unusual vaginal discharge. This may vary in color from yellow to green and may have a less than desirable odor. There is often pain during urination, as well as frequent pain in the pelvis or abdominal area. If left untreated this can create for long term sterility issues as it causes scarring in both the uterus and fallopian tubes.

For both sexes, in addition to sterility, untreated gonorrhea can make individuals highly susceptible to HIV. Because of this, continued engagement in unprotected sex has an increased health risk. Not only does the untreated individual risk infecting other partners with gonorrhea, but he or she becomes far more likely to contract other sexually transmitted diseases as well.

Each year the United States sees over 600,000 new cases of gonorrhea. It is not uncommon for many of these cases to be simultaneously infected with chlamydia as well, making treatment for both fairly standard. The presence of either of these diseases can have a significant negative impact on the host's ability to reproduce without complication in the future.

If you have had unprotected sex, or live a lifestyle in which unprotected sex is common it is important to invest the time and attention necessary to get routine physical exams. You should be screened for HIV, gonorrhea and syphilis at least twice yearly to avoid long term complications associated with leaving these conditions untreated. As always, either abstinence or protected sex is the ideal, but if you have been less than careful, the best thing that you can do for yourself is to get std testing whether or not there are apparent symptoms of any sexually contracted disease.

STD testing can diagnose your std symptoms with a private test near you. Find a nearby std testing in New York today.

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2012年4月17日 星期二

Why Massage is a Sound Investment in a Down Economy

You might think: "Massage is a luxury. It isn't a good idea to spend money on massage in an economy like this." Think again.This article covers why massage is a good investment for your future.

Let's face it. Pain and bad health are expensive. Even if you're lucky to have great insurance, you can spend a lot of money in co-payments, prescriptions, and deductibles.

Then there is the expense in time, (all those waiting rooms) and your quality of life.

Massage from a competent therapist can have a massive impact on your physical and emotional health as well as relief of pain.

These are some of the most common physical benefits from massage:

o Increases circulation to the heart, brain and extremities;

o Stimulates the digestive system;

o Increases oxygen and nutrients to the muscle tissue, organs and skin glands;

o Revitalizes/restores energy;

o Loosens the tissue and adhesions;

o Flushes out toxins;

o Stimulates the lymphatic system thereby supporting the natural immune defenses;

o Relief of chronic pain and specific conditions (eg. , Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, fibromyalgia, injuries, surgeries);

o Massage strongly effects the Autonomic Nervous System. Massage stimulates the Parasympathetic Nervous System, thereby calming the client and allowing them to experience a time and space when they were relieved from anxiety and the physiological effects of the an over stimulated Sympathetic Nervous System.

Can you imagine what you would feel like after all that?

And that's just the physical benefits.

How is STRESS effecting your life?

Stress" can be caused from a wide variety of factors in our lives. These may include the demands of work, relationships, transition, grieving, chronic pain, or many other circumstances such as living in the greatest economic downturn of our lifetime.

o Massage provides safe touch for those who have suffered physical abuse, and those who are deprived of tactile contact;

o Safe tactile contact can play an important role in the therapeutic activities during times of grieving, stress or transition.

o Cedar Barstow, an experienced massage therapist who has specialized in work with elders, lists the benefits of massage for elders, which, among the many physical benefits, includes "increased self awareness and acceptance, relief of anxiety and tension and elevated emotional outlook."

o Massage activates sensory pleasure centers releasing endorphins (known as "happy hormones") in the brain, which serve to reduce pain, and produce feelings ranging from well being and contentment to elation.

You may have invested time and money in counseling and psychotherapy. That's a good start. Massage can maximize and enhance the return on that investment.

With all these benefits, you can see that regular massages (even once a month) are a sound investment in these uncertain times.

Pain is expensive.

Stress is expensive.

Get massage. It's a sound investment for your future.

Cynthia Mealy is a Nationally Certified Massage Therapist and Medical Exercise Specialist. Her massage practice is on Piedmont Avenue in Oakland, CA where she has been in business for 13 years. Visit http://www.alteredstates.org Cynthia specializes in deep tissue, sports massage and pain relief for chronic conditions and injury related pain.

Even if you're not in the area, the newsletters are full of great health tips and easy to use info. Check out http://www.alteredstates.org and subscribe!

Creds: Graduate of National Holistic Institute in (1996) as certified massage therapist and health educator.
Medical Exercise Certification comes from the North American Academy of Health, Fitness and Rehabilitation Professionals.
Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork
Professional Member of the American Massage Therapy Association.

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When Do The Effects of Aging Really Kick In?

When the effects of aging (whether it is skin aging or something else you are referring to) really kick in varies from one person to the next. Although for most people, aging becomes evident and no longer undeniable when they reach the age of 50, presenting with the appearance of wrinkled skin, drooping eyelids, sagging skin, bone problems, cognition problems, sensory organ problems, indigestion problems, memory loss, and other health concerns, for others, aging may come earlier or later than that. It really depends on things like genetics, lifestyle, eating habits, and how well you take care of your body.

Genetics and the Aging Process

Well, inheriting "aging" genes from your parents is definitely not within your means to control. That's the thing with genetics - you cannot delay the appearance of certain signs of aging, such as laugh lines, cellulite, varicose veins. They will come earlier to you than most people your age if either one of your parents had these problems before. But of course while you cannot control genetics, you can nonetheless prevent the progression of the signs and symptoms of skin aging through the use of anti-aging creams, regular botox injections, or going for cosmetic procedures.

Lifestyle and Aging

How you live your life day in and day out can influence the delay or progression of the aging process. Accordingly, if you typically begin a day with exercise, you'll be able to look and feel younger than your counterparts who don't. Exercise keeps the blood clean and circulating well. Clean blood manifests in clear, healthy skin. Exercise also keeps your body generally strong and healthy, increasing your lifespan and enabling you to do things more productively.

Make meditation a part of your lifestyle. Take yoga classes and embark on other relaxation techniques. Stress can make you look older than you really are because it makes you frown often, and when you frown, the grooves on your face deepen until they become permanent wrinkles.

Take vitamin supplements, too. Including these in your daily diet will not only give you the necessary protection to ward off diseases but also keeps your cells younger, so you are able to glow from within.

But these are not the only lifestyle factors you should think about. Bad habits, especially smoking, can accelerate the aging process by folds. The components of cigarettes are toxic to the blood, and when the blood is not clean, it shows in your skin. Your skin becomes wrinkled, dry, lifeless - the typical signs of skin aging! Smoking also deprives your cells of nourishment, and triggers hypertension, high cholesterol levels, asthma attacks and other lung problems, as well as the development of cancer.

Eating Habits and Aging

It is certainly true that your choice of food is a big factor in the aging process. Make wise food choices and you'll be able to live a good quality life longer. Choose foods that are, in particular, rich in water content, antioxidants, and fiber so as these keep your skin hydrated and smooth, help you fight free radicals that cause or hasten aging, improve your digestion and facilitate the release of age-causing toxins from the body. Raw vegetables and fruits should always be made part of your daily diet as they are more health beneficial. Then of course, you must remember to stay away from foods with preservatives and other chemical additives. Besides being heavy on the stomach and not easily digested, these foods only increase the toxic waste in your body which it cannot get rid of.

So when you think about it, it is really you who will determine when the effects of aging start to kick in. It can be sooner or later, depending on how you live your life, the foods you eat, and other means you wish to take to defy age.

Love your skin and it will love you back. When you want the best face cream for wrinkles, so that you can look younger, with a smoother and wrinkle-free skin (or reduce those ugly fine line and wrinkles) then you need to know how to do it right.

There is a little known secret ingredient that is proven in clinical trials to stimulate the regrowth of collagen, elastin and new skin cells due to its miracle effect in reversing the aging process. It is a unique form of bio-active keratin that is likened to a basic protein produced in our body. This substance will powerfully rejuvenate your skin. It makes you feel like applying liquid on your face and body and leaves you feeling like you have a new skin while it works to stimulate new skin cells effectively. You can read more about it here: http://www.eyecontourgel.com

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2012年4月16日 星期一

What to Expect From a Floatation Tank

Everyone is on the lookout for that peace and quiet and one of the ways to get to it is with a floatation tank. Also called an isolation tank, this was first created by John C Lilly, way back in 1954. His main idea was to try and study the effects of sensory deprivation on an individual. This tank was meant to be soundproof and with salt water, just at room temperature and enough to enable an individual to float.

Over the years, this research tool came to be used as a means of relaxation or as a prelude to meditation. Several modifications were made to enable a person to float in it without the use of a breathing apparatus, thus making the experience all the more silent and effective. Today, Epsom salt is added to the water in the tanks, increasing its density and allowing a person to float with their face above the water. With your ears submerged, sound is largely cut off and you can enhance that by wearing ear plugs as well.

As you let your body float on the water - the natural temperature of the water prevents you from feeling anything and soon you lose a sense of distinction between body and water. This elevates you to a whole new place and the body goes through three levels of experience with the last one precluding sleep.

Ideally one should enter a floatation tank in the nude. A swim suit is allowed but the elastic hampers the complete experience as it tends to constrict certain parts of your body preventing it from relaxing. Since Epsom salt water is not often replaced you will need to have a thorough bath before you get into to water. Means of cleaning the water are left to surface skimmers as well as filtering the cartridge. Ultraviolet sterilization also helps in keeping micro-organisms at bay. A system of convection in put in place to ensure that the water gently flows under the person and allows them to stay centered in the water.

All the plumbing in a floatation tank is generally made of plastic. A very high quality tank is made of medical grade stainless steel. This also does not crumble with the constant presence of salt. A good floatation therapy unit will also have a shower unit placed close by so that you can go from the stall to the tank without having to towel off. These tanks come with built in plumbing systems so that water can be easily drained and refilled when needed.

Welcome to Isolation Tank Plans, We help you to build your own Floatation Tanks for commercial as well as residential use. Making Floatation Tank shouldn't cost you more and it is very easy. For more information about Float Tanks visit our website today.

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Warm Wine, Salty Air

Deep red, short and blue

It trickles from my glass

Makes a definite impression

until I decide to catch my breath

and take another drink

But you know it can be hard to classify

As in the end it may all come down

to the tastiness of the ripened grape

But I try not to think about it so much

Because it takes me on a trip

Over the clouds and across the sky,

the bittersweet ambience allows me

to feel the flood of crimson blood

running through my veins

Because I'm sorry to say that I could never

live a sober life

And I cannot ever begin to think about

how ordinary people do it anyway

Thoughts are what you make of them

And it may be one way that we can begin

to exercise one form of perilous control

But I have never been one to understand

how anyone can tolerate boredom

It is treacherous

And I don't want it

No siree!

So I decide to gulp my wine

In this particular case, I believe it is a Crimean kind

In a dark, dank cellar

I recover from sensory deprivation

So I turn my thoughts, twist them round

and connect them to some kind of tawdry pleasure

Because isn't that what the life of an adventurous gentleman

may eventually come to be

I say nomadic pleasure is where it's at

So whether I'm thinking of Sofia

Or toking on a Turkish cigarette

free flowing blood feels warm as it streams upon my wrist

But the coming of the razor is what I always like to remember

Oh it stings like a bitch when the train has left the station

Just before the break of dawn

But when I look,

I can't see anything

And the tears can't stop me from crying,

as I stick my finger upward upon the blood on a filthy east bound track

But thing's could definitely be worse

I could be dripping on my mother's carpet

Thinking about my mother's funeral or my father's weary voice

But I never knew them all the same

Just a temporary substitute to ease the harrowing pain

But it might be better to pour another glass

to help me travel round the room

My waitress has D-Cups and a foreign tongue

Her hair is gold and her skin is white

She seems to have something upon her face

but at this point I don't know exactly what it is

All I can say is that it appears that she likes to bend over

So do you think it's fair to say that she might be waiting for another tip?

Gerald Marchewka is an American freelance writer currently living in Lviv, Ukraine. Gerald's most recent book, "Straight from the Heaven's: Li Bai's Poetry in Retrospect" featuring the illustrations of Seb Fowler is now for sale on Lulu.com Questions about Gerald's other projects may be referred to geraldmarchewka@yahoo.com

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The Incredible Power of Touch

What a lovely word 'haptic' is. It's a technical word meaning 'relating to touch' and immediately the word 'happy' springs to mind. Although the words do not come from the same linguistic origin, the association is fitting because most forms of touch - caressing, stroking, patting, for example - do lead to a sense of health, well-being and, well, happiness.


Touch is the earliest sense to develop in the human embryo and, whereas, other senses are confined to specific body parts (nose, ears, eyes and mouth) the sensory organ for touch is the skin, and, therefore, relates to the whole body. So touch can be said to be the primary and all-encompassing sense.


Studies have shown the importance of touch to our well-being at all stages of life. Infants deprived of touch fail to thrive (think of those poor Rumanian orphanage children); the happiest marriages are said to be those where physical affection continues; and elderly people feeling isolated in care homes report how important a hug or held hand can be to give them a sense of being cared for and about.


Ironically, as research is highlighting the value of touch, in western culture we are touching each other less than ever before. Perhaps we are becoming more reliant on technology (even if haptic technology) than human touch. This may be true in doctors' surgeries, for example, where the physical hands-on examination seems to be giving way to high tech and pharmaceutical diagnostic procedures. In some schools, too, heightened awareness of inappropriate touching has led to physical contact between teacher and pupil being banned, removing opportunities for that gentle pat of encouragement or empathetic hand on the shoulder.


So while social touching is on the wane, more and more benefits of haptic therapies particularly massage therapy are being documented. Today massage is used to assist and complement medical healing as well as to boost our general health, immunity and sense of well-being.


In fact, pain and pleasure may be closer than we thought. Recently scientists discovered 'pleasure nerves' in the skin which are transmitted to the brain slowly by the same nervous fibers as those for pain, the C-fibers. According to Professor Francis McGlone of Liverpool University, tests on human volunteers showed that a painful stimulus applied to the skin can be eased by gently stroking pleasure nerves in a nearby part of the body, just as a mother might caress a hurt child to ease the pain.


Massage works through the stroking and kneading or the soft tissues of the body. This eases the tension out of stiff, aching muscles, encourages both the mind and the body to relax and, in turn causes the muscles to loosen and allow a greater range of movement. It is an enjoyable, uplifting, natural and drug-free experience, bringing both immediate and long-term relief to many physiological and psychological conditions with regular treatment.  A good massage can also alleviate symptoms of serious disease, including some forms of cancer. In such cases, however, it is important to check with a doctor before starting treatment.

Uniquely Organic aims to offer clients individually-tailored treatments that assess the body holistically in order to create improved health and well-being. It is very important to us that organic products are used and that every precaution is taken to ensure minimal impact on the environment. We specialize in the following therapies: Hot stone massage, aromatherapy massage, Indian head massage and organic facials. We also retail a unique selection of organic products including skincare, baby care, nutritional products and candles. All of which can be found at http://www.uniquelyorganic.co.uk
Kirsty Taylor BSc (Hons) MGBT
Founder and Practitioner
Uniquely Organic

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2012年4月15日 星期日

What's Your Superpower?

We all have five senses (some say we have a sixth sense); yet, we don't all have the same level of capability when it comes to our use of sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. Everyone has some level of heightened sensory perception with one or more of his or her senses and some diminished level of ability with others.

I clearly know my strengths and weaknesses regarding my means of perception. Ever since the sixth grade, I knew that perfect vision was something I couldn't have without corrective lenses (or, the relatively recent development of LASIK). I've managed with glasses and contact lenses over the years, but I've always been envious of those with 20/20 vision, like my wife, cultural junkie.

I knew my vision was terrible, but I was taken aback during my last visit to the optometrist. After he did some tests of my vision and determined my prescription, he said, "Oh, the blind man!" At first, I thought it was a bit of a joke, but after a moment of contemplation, I realized it wasn't. I can't see perfectly clear for more than a half a foot away from my face and after learning how visual acuity is measured, I came to the realization that I'm technically considered a blind person without corrective lenses. Keep in mind that this is not legal blindness, which is when a person's visual acuity is greater than 20/200 with corrective lenses. Regardless, I can't see a damn thing without my lenses; thus, constituting a seriously deprived sense of visual perception.

On the other hand, I posses a phenomenal ability to hear sounds. I'm no bat, bird, dolphin or cat, but I do have an uncanny talent for hearing things that others around me cannot. I'm not sure if this is related to my poor visual acuity or over-sized ears, but I do know that I have some level of elevated sense of hearing. In addition to hearing things others can't, I can often distinguish specific types of sounds and precisely identify an object's location, direction and physical make-up.

Regardless of this great auditory ability, I haven't reached the level of mastering human echolocation, like many blind folks. It's true, this sonar system that bats and dolphins use to navigate their surroundings has been utilized by a number of blind people. In fact, there's a story of a blind boy who can shoot hoops by listening to the echoes of his palate clicks. Wow! A blind basketball player who can sink shots! I guess I have no excuses when I'm throwing up bricks. Check out this amazing video of human echolocation in action.

I'm sure you may have previously heard of supertasters, who have a highly acute sense of taste. From what I've read, it seems like this increased sensitivity to flavor compounds appears to be more of a headache than a superpower. Supertasters tend to strongly dislike bitter foods and receive less enjoyment from fatty and sugary foods.

Nevertheless, it's estimated that about 25% of the population of European decent are supertasters, with a higher incidence among women, Asians and Africans. Are you a supertaster? You can find out with this simple supertaster quiz on the BBC website. You may also perform your own self-diagnosis with a mirror and a little blue dye. This at home supertaster test can be done by measuring the density of fungiform papillae, which contain taste buds on their surface. If you have a high density of these papillae, then you're a supertaster!

Another of our five sense that may not always be a superpower when enhanced is the sense of smell. Oh, it's amazing how our ability to detect aromas can move our emotions and trigger long forgotten memories. Despite these pluses, do you want the ability to tune in on every aroma out there? My wife has an unbelievably powerful olfactory system. She smells all sorts of things that I can barely detect or even know are present. I'm sure this ties in strongly with her supertaster ability and makes the consumption of tasty foods and drinks a more enriching experience. Nonetheless, this super sense of smell often leads to her noticing highly unpleasant aromas to which most of us are oblivious. I can't even recall the number of times she's said, "What's that smell?" with a crinkled nose, as if she just caught wind of some rancid flatulence. My response to this is almost always, "What smell?" and this isn't because I dealt it, it's because I really can't smell it. Seriously!

Anyway, as far as superpowers go, that only covers four of the senses. I know I've excluded the sense of touch along with a whole host of ways in which we posses or exhibit superhuman ability. One could have phenomenally quick reflexes, an amazing sense of direction or internal GPS, super flexibility, superb equilibrioperception, bird-like magnetoperception, etc. There's also common sense, to which one of my best friends always summed up in this way, "Common sense is the least common of all senses!" Let's not forget the sense of self. Unfortunately, too many of my fellow humans do not know themselves and abstain from basic self-reflection.

What's your superpower?

H Sorik aka conditional cognition can be found at [http://conditional-cognition.com].

This article was originally posted on the conditional cognition blog at [http://conditional-cognition.com/2009/08/03/whats-your-superpower/].

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What Spiritual Lessons Can We Learn From Australian Aborigine Culture?

It has been suggested that the Australian Aborigine is primitive and uneducated; an animist who uses ritual to win the favour of the spirits controlling food, shelter, and fertility and to ward off malevolent forces.

Despite what sounds to the Western mind as believing in superstition, these semi-nomads have shown enormous intelligence by hunting and foraging for food, and thus surviving, in extreme conditions of the arid bush-land and desert wastes for over 30,000 years.

Like with other indigenous peoples, there is a sense of closeness with, and a deep respect, for the natural world of animals and plants. Full-blooded Aborigines, in their natural state, live in and are influenced by both the physical world and also by what they think of as a spirit world (dreamtime). They are not materialistically orientated like those of European descent. Their spiritual values have been reflected in a rich oral tradition of legend and ritual going back to ancient times, unaffected by the major world's religions.

And so the question arises whether there is anything of value in their way of life which can benefit us all today?

With white settlement of their tribal lands and consequent loss of identity and self-esteem, their culture is being lost. However, there are still some initiated into their legends and rituals who know the traditional meaning of rock and bark paintings, ceremonies and oral teachings.

Cyril Havecker lived close to the Warramunga Tribe and was seen as their blood-brother. He has written an illuminating book Understanding Aboriginal Culture.

All Aborigines, initiated into their tradition regardless of the tribe to which they belong, share a creation myth. Baiame is said to be the supreme intelligent creator spirit who dreamed of a future that he wanted to materialise. In other words there is thought to be a purpose behind the development of the world; all living things being brought into existence with the object of fulfilling a function in the great plan of life.

It is also taught that myriad portions of intelligence were taken from Baiame's supreme intelligence; each of these being a human soul (yowie).

There are said to be three inbuilt drives in each person - drives to survive, reproduce and achieve. These drives were to be the cause of all the trouble and mischief on the earth but also the cause of all that is positive and productive. Each soul was to have the will and freedom to discriminate between positive or negative action, choice being dependent on wisdom-knowledge and level of development. It was decided to give each soul a memory to prevent chaos.

Associated with this creation story is the claim that the physical world is connected to a psychic dimension by character vibrations and that this land of mystery actually exists. It is referred to in their mythology as the dreamtime.

The tradition teaches that the universe is a mental creation projected out of spirit essence. And so traditional healers and magicians (wirinun) who deal with spirits have been operative and are well known for their powers in extra-sensory perception and control of the mind. Induced emotion and directed thought are two powerful 'magical' weapons used by the wirinun. And so as part of training, such a person undergoes a strong personal discipline. This involves long periods of isolation, and restriction in diet.

It is said that when in a heightened state of consciousness, such individuals make contact with the ancestors in the spirit world (dreamtime); this being possible because each individual soul has two bodies - one material and also a spirit body (dowie). It is the latter that is apparently used to communicate with the ancestral spirits. The soul is said to never leave the body of the living except at physical death, when it goes to reside permanently in the dreamtime; this dimension only being continually experienced in a spirit body as it is not somewhere in space: it is all about us and it requires only the proper conditions to be contacted at any given time.

The wirinun, through training in concentration and the environment of the spirit world, use signs, symbols and incantations necessary to call up needed psychic entities. Whilst operating in what is regarded as a sacred area (bora ground) the magician is believed to be protected from demons. Such an individual never calls upon any spiritual entity with which he is not completely familiar for he says he must know their nature and aims. In

fact he often uses prayers (narmingatha) directed to the supreme intelligence (Baiame).

In seeking the aid of benign entities of the spiritual world he uses no words of compulsion, or extravagant terms. He asks earnestly and gives reasons. He does not ask for something that deprives people of what justly belongs to them or which gives an unmerited advantage over someone else.

A lot more could be written about this fascinating tradition. However to sum up, extra-sensory perception, survival after death, and constant contact with a much more knowledgeable spiritual world, are all widely accepted facts in traditional Aboriginal culture; as is the presence of a supreme divine spirit and other spirits who affect life on earth. In fact the whole of their lifestyle is subject to supernatural forces.

Is there anything here for us to learn?

Copyright 2012 Stephen Russell-Lacy

As a clinical psychologist, Stephen Russell-Lacy has specialised in cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy, working for many years with adults suffering distress and disturbance.

He edits Spiritual Questions a free eZine that explores links between spiritual philosophy and the comments and questions of spiritual seekers. You can share your views and find out more about making sense of life.

His book Heart, Head and Hands draws links between the psycho-spiritual teachings of the eighteenth century spiritual philosopher Emanuel Swedenborg and current ideas in therapy and psychology.

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