2012年3月23日 星期五

6 Ways to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions Going Strong

We're almost at the end of January-how are your dreams and visions coming along? Have you brought your innermost desires off the backburner? Have you started building the foundations for that new career? Have you taken action on the things most important to you?

Studies show that most New Year's Resolutions have a tendency to be dismissed before the first month of the year has even passes.

And the reason is pretty simple. Many goals are made in response to something negative; a habit or situation that the person wants to change or end. And that's where the problem lies-it's hard to develop momentum from a negative response. It is always easier to move toward something than away from something.

Consider one of the most typical goals-weight loss. It's difficult to get excited about losing weight. Sure, maybe the first week or so is thrilling because of the novelty of a new diet or exercise plan. But once the repetition and a sense of deprivation sets in, the plan becomes difficult to maintain. Self-defeating thoughts such as, "It's too difficult. Who am I trying to kid?" creep in.

In my practice, people succeed at losing weight and achieving their goals because they become motivated by a dream much bigger and more positive than moving away from something negative. For example, losing weight might be the starting point of defining the goal, but we quickly move towards defining a more exciting vision of life. They see themselves living the goal. They feel good envisioning the goal. They take steps that are do-able and then they acknowledge the steps taken. Creating a successful and lasting transformation involves learning how to connect with a big dream that is positive in nature.


If you want to create positive change in your life, here are six steps you can take to increase your success:

1. Choose a resolution that enlivens you!

2. See yourself as having already achieved your goal! Make it a 3-D, multi-sensory experience that feels really, really good inside your body.

3. Make sure this goal is something you really want. It's a free choice made by you, not a prison sentence proclaimed upon you.

4. Break down your goal into manageable steps. Take tiny, small, achievable steps daily.

5. Write down your achievements. Reward yourself for your efforts. Feel good in the process-not only once the goal is attained.

6. Be flexible and have fun!

Instead of giving up on your resolutions this year, make a conscious decision about having what you most want. Walk to the nearest mirror, look yourself in the eyes, and be honest with yourself. If your resolution is important to you, make a solid choice and commitment to yourself. Tell yourself, 'I am 100% committed to giving myself what I most want." Decide that this is the year where you see yourself alive with more joy than you've ever had!

If you're serious about losing weight and changing the way you live in your body, check out Body Redesign: Goal Setting Secrets for a Thinner, Happier You at http://www.annettecolby.com/bodyredesign.shtml. Don't just start another diet, start a new life! Learn rock-solid success principles that will absolutely, positively turn your weight loss dreams into reality!

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