2012年7月29日 星期日

Arthritis Cure - How to Beat the Pain Part 2

Apart from weight loss, regular exercise, and maintaining a good posture, there are many other things you can do to rid yourself of arthritis pain. They are as follows.

1 Use Ice to Prevent Pain

When joints are overworked or overused, ice is sometimes recommended to prevent pain. Cold packs are often used in this case, by wrapping ice cubes in a plastic bag, then wrapping the ice bag in a clean cloth. Apply the cold pack for fifteen to twenty minutes, and then remove it for ten minutes before reapplying it. You can also use commercial gel-filled cold packs for more convenience. Be sure to always wrap the frozen packs in cloth as direct application to the skin may cause you to suffer the equivalent of frostbite.

2 Take aspirin or ibuprofen to relieve pain and inflammation.

3 Use heat to reduce Pain

Hot water bottles, heating blankets, and hot baths have been helpful in the management of arthritic pain. Apply heat to soothe dull throbbing pain and stiffness. Be very careful when using heat to reduce pain- no more than ten to fifteen minutes at a time. Take at least one hour break before reapplying.

4 Use specially designed Floatation tanks

These are also known as isolation or sensory deprivation tanks. The pain relief is produced by stress reduction. The body is relaxing, as well as the muscles, and this seems to stimulate the release of endomorphins, the body's natural pain killers. The water in the tank is heated to 93.5 degrees F, the same temperature as the skin, and the surrounding air is warm and tranquil, leading to deep relaxation.

5 Heat and Eucalyptus Ointment

Simply rub the eucalyptus ointment on the affected joint and wrap it with warm, moist towel. You can also soak your hands or feet in warm water containing eucalyptus

6 Water Exercise (Watercise)

This is an excellent way of reducing arthritic pain significantly- you become more flexible in water than in air.

7 Massage the joints

Work the muscles that are attached to the tendons leading to your painful joints. To do this, either use the heel of your hand, your thumb, or your elbow to press down on the muscles and hold it for several seconds, then release.

8 Boost Your Vitamin C Intake

Several studies have shown that strong doses of vitamin C can bring about the regression of arthritis. Recommended doses are between 500 and 3000 mg per day.

9 Stop Drug Addiction.

Many arthritis sufferers have become addicted to sleeping pills, narcotic painkillers and tranquilizers. For most of them, these drugs are needed in ever-increasing amounts and this makes the drugs more ineffective in the management of pain. It is recommended that other forms of pain management, such as the use of non-narcotic pain relievers like aspirin or ibuprofen, should be used.

For full details of this amazing information about arthritis cure, visit http://curearthritispain.blogspot.com/, and [http://www.healthforall365.com]

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