2012年2月29日 星期三

The Importance of Sleep - One of Nature's Most Underutilized Resources

The best things in life are free: love, friendship, family, and don?t forget the shared human hobby that everyone derives pleasure from...sleep! Everyone loves to sleep, and what gift is greater than a morning offering no snooze limitations? And what noise is more annoying than the beeping of your alarm, notifying you that a night's rest has terminated and reality is inevitable.

We all know that sleep is obviously good since we enjoy the act, and that it must be necessary otherwise we?d nod off behind the wheel or desk. But many of us fail to realize just how essential a full night of rest is to every function of our body. Yes, while in a whimsical slumber we can become anyone or anything, but in reality our unconscious bodies are becoming healthier, happier, smarter, and thinner. And no, this isn?t a dream! Wake up and smell the benefits of sleep!

Obviously sleep makes us more alert since it flushes out the toxins in our head that create those infamous brain farts. But, it can also strengthen our memory and cognitive function. While we are off in another land, our brain is very present, working hard to process sensory input and link together memories and images. It also improves our mood, which decreases our chances of getting in a road rage induced debacle on our drive to work. Speaking of our moods, adequate sleep can reduce our risk of depression by having a positive effect on our serotonin level. How can anyone be sad after a happy visit to dreamland?

Sleep is not only a remedy for our mental well-being, but it aids our physical health as well. When our bodies are sleep deprived, they go into a state of stress and inflammation can occur. This heightens health risks such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. Also, sleep is a much needed time for our bodies to make natural and necessary repairs.

While we snooze, our bodies produce more protein than when awake, and these molecules create a force and fight off our daily enemies such as environmental stresses, damaging ultraviolet rays, and other harmful pollutants. Sleep can also fight obesity, and getting the recommended 7-9 hours can work wonders for our waistline. Have you ever heard of ghrelin or leptin? Probably not, but they are the hormones that regulate our appetite, and sleep keeps these monsters under control. Now there?s a reason to hit the sheets!

Check out more valuable information on how important is sleep in our lives. If you want to know crystal-clear on definition of wellness, don't hesitate to visit TrainEatLive.com.

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Best Diet For Weight Loss?

One of the most common questions for dieters is, "What is the best diet for weight loss?" With so much weight loss and diet information available, it is often difficult to distinguish which is the best diet for you. Should you pick a high protein, low carbohydrate diet? What about a low fat diet? Maybe the Zone Diet, The South Beach Diet, or the Atkins Diet will be right to you? Unfortunately, despite all the hype, I am here to tell you that it's not really that important which of these diets you pick. In fact, I will teach you why sticking to one of these diets is probably a very bad idea. Worried? Don't be. I will also show you how you can create a diet that works best for you (and only you). Let's begin.

The reason that these diets are successful at the beginning is that you often have initial motivation, so you want to change, and they also provide you with a BLUEPRINT. These diets are also very clever by manipulating your calorie intake despite claims that you can "eat as much as you want". They do this by fulfilling your sensory specific satiety, meaning that when you eat the same foods over and over, your brain simply gets bored and turns your "I'm full" signal on much sooner. Basically this means you don't eat as much and thus you lose weight.

A problem arises when you realize that the blueprint you are following simply doesn't fit your needs. This is no surprise, because everybody has their own specific blueprint, so following a specific diet template is rarely successful. There are many reasons for this. Maybe you get bored. Maybe you feel deprived. Maybe you lose motivation. Maybe you lose some weight and get complacent (very common!). The reason is not so important (yet!). What is important right now, is that you CREATE YOUR OWN BLUEPRINT.

We all love certain foods. We all have very habitual eating behaviors. We all lead different lives. Eating is so important to our survival that when you drastically change this behavior and follow somebody else's eating plan, you have already failed. Please, please, please stop doing this. I know that you want to cut calories and deprive yourself of the foods you love, but this simply doesn't work.

What does work is creating your own eating blueprint. This takes time, effort and dedication and has many different aspects. In the coming weeks and months I will teach you how to create your blueprint. For this week you will be writing down everything you eat. Here is your first exercise:

Week 1:

Write down everything that you eat. Sounds simple right? Actually, writing down everything that you eat is very time consuming and requires attention and awareness. The goal of this exercise is to make you CONSCIOUS of what you currently eat. Most people are unaware of approximately 30-50% of the calories that they consume on a daily basis. Simply becoming aware of your unconscious eating habits and what you eat during the day will have a profound affect on your success in the future.

I'm sure that you have embarked on many weight loss campaigns where your goal was to "lose 30 pounds in 30 days". Maybe you were successful for those 30 days, but what about after that? Remember, real change takes time.

Conner Hughes is the director of http://www.thebrainchangingdiet. The Brain-Changing Diet can teach you that, through neuroplasticity, you can change your brain to create lifelong dietary and food habits to sustain weight loss and improve your health.

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2012年2月28日 星期二

What Are Words Worth?

Tumbling stocks and shares, crashing house prices, previously unassailable institutions crumbling into dust and unprecedented turmoil. These are just a few of the media superlatives filling acres of newsprint at time of writing. What a grim picture is being painted for 2009.

As we enter the dark cold months of the New Year filled with anxiety and trepidation is there any hope to cling to? Not if the doom-mongering British press has its way.

Newspaper journalists with a knack for exaggeration can forge successful careers out of their ability to turn a drama into a crisis with nary a thought for the impact on the national psyche. And there is a national predisposition for pessimism which means collectively we rarely, if ever, 'look on the bright side' except in times of dire threat to our lifestyles and wellbeing. The 'wartime spirit' is only seen or talked about in relation to times of extreme danger or deprivation. Goodness knows what happens to it in periods of peace and prosperity.

So is the media merely responding to our gloomy outlook or are they actually creating it? It's possible we might change our perspective if the story was told in a different way. Try this for size: 'Decisive politicians save nation's vital banking institutions'. Or how about: 'First rung of housing ladder finally in reach of young buyers'. Here's another one to ponder: 'Entrepreneurial new businesses thrive as jobless create their own jobs'.

A fundamental principle of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is that how we talk affects how we think and feel which, in turn, changes outcomes. There is plenty of evidence to support this view socially, politically and economically as well as in terms of individual interaction. 'Golden ages' and 'political greats' are rarely recognised at the time and are often only acknowledged in sentimental retrospectives. Our ability to appreciate the good times is undermined by measuring good fortune against greater fortune only to find ourselves lacking. And the derision which politicians are treated with must be a significant discouragement to the most gifted, leaving governance of the nation to those with thick skin but less talent.

On a personal level, more and more people are leading lonely, solitary lives, locked in depressing isolation by their own limiting beliefs, verbalised internally with viciously destructive self-talk. The celebrity culture puts tremendous pressure on the vulnerable and insecure to meet impossibly unrealistic criteria in every aspect. Meanwhile, others race round a relentless hamster wheel of competitive acquisition, seeking validation in a new kitchen or pair of designer shoes.

Much of this hectic shopping for meaningful lives is down to the fabulous skill of advertisers. They not only create brands and define aspirations but generate belief in what is worthy through the simple power of words and imagery. This is an insidious, contemporary mass-hypnosis as powerful and skilled as any religious creed in dictating desires, beliefs and acceptable behaviour. It is confirmation that NLP works on many levels, creeping unrecognised through mainstream culture.

Understandably, the power to manipulate the chatter which defines our opinions and choices is regarded with suspicion and sometimes fear. It presents the potential to exploit the vulnerable and impressionable. But it can also empower both individuals and society with motivation, vision, creativity and drive.

So let's for a moment, as we venture into 2009, use the cynical process of spin but direct it away from commercial gain towards a fresh new concept of progress. For example, a good start would be for children to be nurtured and educated by parents and teachers aware of and responding to the cognitive differences between individuals. This is about using language to inform, support and guide according to a fairly basic sensory range of differing needs which can have a significant impact on learning ability.

Amateur parenting and one-size-fits-all teaching are symptoms of a fragmented social infrastructure where creativity is stifled and knowledge is no longer automatically passed between generations or community networks.

Then, take the economy and consider the potential benefits of a recession in clearing out all that is no longer functioning effectively. There were some gross imbalances which now stand some chance of redress. What we earn, how we spend it and who we give power to will all shift in the cataclysmic clear-out. Just like the Fire of London in 1666 cauterised the suppurating remains of the Great Plague in the disease ridden city streets, the financial calamity will pave the way for innovation and development.

On an individual level, that presents many opportunities to discover and tap into new skills. Institutions will have to be more open and responsive to gain respect and keep in business. And a better informed and more demanding public will no longer bankroll incompetence. The 'unwaged' may well find their benefits entitlement curtailed and public servants are very likely in for a savage cull as superfluous town hall jobs disappear from The Guardian recruitment pages. So, theoretically, it's wake-up time for the unproductive in our society. They'll benefit from gaining some NLP skills to convert inertia and entitlement into dynamism and motivation.

Another quiet revolution in the offing concerns the atrocious neglect of the infirm amongst the ageing population. It's true, some of the 'grey market' are having a ball and are perhaps the only generation in history to have seen a continuous improvement in their lifestyle. But others are not. So watch out, the Baby Boomers are coming and they are the best educated, most dominant and influential generation ever to approach retirement age. They will not tolerate an undignified demise in a wee-stinking armchair in the corner of the TV lounge at the 'Bide a While' rest home. This lot invented NLP and all its derivations and they will wield their powers to awesome effect.

The 'yoof of today' had better make the most of their temporary fecklessness and they are destined to be one of the hardest working generations in history. The responsibility is theirs to support a massive population of dependents. In short, resourcefulness is a necessity not an option so the language of NLP is going to be a key factor in shaping their destiny for an awesome life where failure is not an option. They need all our encouragement and positive support to talk them into being fighting fit for the challenges ahead.

2009 looks set to be a pivotal year of enlightenment and rejuvenation on global, national and individual levels. It's a year when so much of our wellbeing and stability depends on the brightest and best having the right resources to achieve transformation. In the meantime, all the rest of us had better figure out how to be the best we can possibly be to ensure we are ready and able to approach the challenges ahead positively and successfully.

Karen Martin


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The Truth About Restless Leg Syndrome

So What is It? Restless Leg Syndrome is a sensory disorder that causes an irresistible urge to move the body in response to odd and uncomfortable sensations. Although this medical condition commonly affects the legs, the arms or torso may also experience the characteristic tickling or burning sensations. People with RLS often refer to these feelings as antsy, as if ants were walking around inside their legs. Other people may experience pain rather than the creepy sensations, but everyone agrees that the feeling subsides temporarily when the legs, or affected body parts, are moved.

Diagnosing RLS depends mostly on the patient's symptoms. The characteristic feelings will be present, as well as a history of sleeplessness. Since this condition is usually worse in the evening, sleep patterns may be disrupted. Therefore, the symptoms of an RLS sufferer may include insomnia with daytime drowsiness. This sleep deprivation can also lead to a lack of concentration, mood swings and depression. A physician should be told if any of these conditions are also present, because they will help to properly diagnose RLS. A complete physical examination will be performed to rule out any underlying conditions that may mimic this syndrome.

The doctor will thoroughly evaluate the nerves in the spinal cord, legs and arms. Any damage or disease along these important pathways will be analyzed. The blood flow to the arms and legs will be examined, and if there are any blockages, treatment to improve the circulation will be discussed. An important test in the diagnosis of RLS is a blood test, which searches for iron deficiency, kidney malfunction, or deficiencies in key vitamins or minerals. All of these conditions are believed to play a role in the presence of this syndrome. The physician may also test the thyroid gland to insure that it's working efficiently. Chronic illnesses like diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis or Parkinson's disease may also bring about the onset of RLS and the doctor will check for them. Emotional issues like stress can bring about symptoms of restless leg syndrome as well as obesity. In these cases, lifestyle and diet changes may result in dramatic improvement.

Once there is a definite diagnosis of RLS, the proper treatment plan should be started. The main goal is to relieve the uncomfortable symptoms and to restore the quality of sleep. Initially, the doctor may recommend avoiding common and known triggers of RLS, like caffeine, alcohol and over-the-counter antihistamines. Certain prescription drugs may be causing this condition like antidepressants, but before discontinuing any drug discuss your concerns with your primary care physician. If the RLS symptoms are mild, consider lifestyle changes such as losing weight, (if necessary) stopping smoking or exercising more, particularly walking. In more severe cases, acupuncture or electric nerve stimulation may be necessary. Magnesium tablets or holistic remedies may provide long-term relief.

Although there isn't a definite cure for Restless Leg Syndrome, there are a variety of treatment options that can significantly minimize symptoms. A restful night's sleep can be restored, and with that will come increased concentration and less daytime drowsiness. The uncomfortable sensations in the legs can be controlled through dietary, lifestyle changes or by avoiding known triggers, like caffeine. Researchers are determined to increase their understanding of the causes of RLS, which will bring about new and improved methods of treatment.

Michelle has been studying alternative health remedies for a number of years. She is a regular contributor to http://myherbalremedy.com/restless-leg-syndrome/ a website discussing some of the most promising natural treatments for RLS on the market today. If you're looking for an alternative to harsh medications, visit the site to learn more.

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Tips on Red-Tailed Black Shark Care

Red-tailed black sharks or Epalzeorhynchus bicolor belong to the family Cyprinidae. This family of fish is also known as Cyprinids. In laymen's term the red-tail is a member of the carp family. The red-tailed black shark was native to Thailand. But sadly, they are now extinct in the wild. All the red-tails available in fish stores today are commercially raised products of the aquarium trade industry.

Red-tails black sharks of course bear no relation to sharks. Their name is purely descriptive. They have a black, torpedo shaped body with a profile reminiscent to that of a sharks. This includes a sharp triangular shaped dorsal fin. Their bright red caudal fin (tail) completes their visual appearance and name.

As with any member of the carp family they are primarily bottom dwelling scavenger fish. Scavenger fish can be identified by their downward pointed mouths with varying sets of barbels on either side. Barbels are whisker-like sensory organs that contain taste buds much like your tongue. Their primary function is for locating food. They serve a secondary function of enabling the fish to find its way along riverbed basins at night or in murky water.

Red-tails are generally considered compatible in community tanks. Interspecies conflicts are rare. But a more robust fish such as barbs, larger tetras, and the less timid cichlids, are a good choice as tank-mates. As with most bottom dwellers it is a good idea to provide rock work or hollow aquarium decor for resting and hiding.

When it comes to cohabitation with members of their own species they tend become extremely territorial; especially the males. The dominant male will often chase the submissive male around. They have been known to harass their less dominant counterpart depriving them of any chance to rest or eat. This often results in the death of the submissive red-tail. Fellow bottom dwellers have also been known to bring out the red-tails territorial instincts. They may become combative with red-finned sharks and Siamese algae eaters. So if a red-tail is your scavenger of choice it is a good idea to allow him to be the king of his substrate domain.

Red-tails have a much wider tolerance range to pH levels than most other fish. Anywhere from 6.5-7.5 will suffice. Acceptable water temperatures are 72-79 °F. They can reach 5 inches. They don't tend to grow as long in smaller aquariums. Females are typically a little smaller than males. Their life expectancy is up to six years.

Red-tailed are omnivores. They can usually fend for themselves just fine with food scraps on the aquarium substrate. However food such as sinking wafers will insure their nutritional needs are meant.

The spacious environment of fish farms produces enough of these fish to keep their prices very reasonable at your local retailer or online fish-mart. This is a good thing since they are extinct in their natural habitats and rarely breed in aquariums. Their innate aggressive behavior and the aquarium owners' tendency to purchase a single scavenger fish undoubtedly contributes to this rarity.

The latest trend among Saltwater Tank enthusiasts is raising pet jellyfish. Jellyfish need specially designed Jellyfish Fish Tank Aquariums. Jellyfish tanks are easier to maintain than traditional saltwater setups. Moon Jellies are the most popular jellyfish among home aquarists both for their exotic beauty and their ease of care. They have become so popular that two US based websites are now tank raising them to meet the growing demand. Pet Moon Jellyfish look absolutely incredible under a fading LED lighting system.

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2012年2月27日 星期一

Improving Your Life For Free

You can spend a fortune looking for ways to increase the quality of your life. You can cut a big check to a plastic surgeon. You can build a new wing on your house. You can try to impress the guys at the club with your new Rolex.

Those who are looking for a slightly less garish way to get the job done can still drop big money in hopes of a little self-improvement. You see folks who eschew the consumer path to a happier life sinking their resources into guides, gurus and seminars.

Here's the deal, folks. You can start improving your life right now without spending a dime. There are plenty of free things you can do to start making life a little better. Let's look at few of them:

Smile. Smiles are free. And they have this strange ability to put you in a better mood. That's true if you're looking at them, but it's also true if you're flashing one. It's as if your mind will start to adjust to comport with your expression. Smile more.

Sleep. Nothing can drag down the quality of life quite the way sleep deprivation can. If you're not getting enough sleep, you need to make adjustments as soon as possible. You'll experience a huge upgrade in the quality of your life once you've paid off your sleep deficit.

Senses. We all have a series of senses. Appreciate them. Think about them as you use them. Enjoy the taste of the mustard (or mayo, for that matter) on your sandwich. Appreciate the beauty of vivid colors. Notice the way the wind really feels on face as you walk outside. Experience your senses. Don't just let them "run in the background". You'll feel more alive when you do.

Sunlight. Get outside. The body likes it. In fact, it needs it. You don't need to roast yourself to a crisp on the beach, just get a little sunlight every day. Make a point of it. You'll start to notice a difference, especially if you approach that outdoor time with the aforementioned sensory mindfulness.

Those are just four examples of the free ways you can start improving your life immediately. And they're just the tip of a very big iceberg. There's nothing inherently wrong about spending a few bucks to learn something new and potentially powerful. Just remember that there are a few ways to make a difference on the cheap, too.

Are you ready to learn more about improving your life? There is a wealth of insight and perspective available. We are talking about potentially life-changing information!

If you are ready to get started, I wholeheartedly recommend that you look at this site. I know you will be glad you did:


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For Parents and Teachers: Becoming a Teacher of Creativity

Teaching itself is a unique invention. The process of becoming a creative teacher is like the process of thinking creatively. If you count on your education courses, the classes you've given, your students contributions, you'll be disappointed. You may learn about the subject being taught, the children's nature, the learning process, the methodology, and institutional materials; however, all of this will never be sufficient. You may inform yourself about the gifted student, or the one with special needs. Even then, you will not have unveiled everything. Added up, all these will not prepare you to teach. They will need to be combined with your own abilities and potential, plus the needs of your students in such a way that they'll lead you to your very own invention: your unique way of teaching. This unique invention is tremendously important to teach creativity or to teach creatively, leading the students to the discovery and use of their own potential. The search for a pre-established goal - the invention of your own way of teaching - emerges from you own creative process.

If you fail, you will gain consciousness of your deficiencies and defects; you will know the existing gaps in your strategies and techniques; and you will discover the holes in your knowledge. You will base yourself on your life experiences and you will seek out indicators of how to improve your performance over the next try. You will have to read a lot. From then on, you study what you read and your questioning evolves increasingly. You will come to see things never before realized. Therefore, you will come to formulate and bet on hypothesis, and to search for solutions. You will become creative for you will be problem-solving. You yourself will be trying to become a good teacher through the experience of Methodology of Creative Action. Through your attempts, from the ecstatic successes and the acceptance of mistakes plus the very exclusion of these in the process, you will be vivifying the occurrence of your own invention - it'll be you being the teacher you've always wanted to be!

Paul Torrance used to say: "Your own personality resources, your intellectual resources, your needs and abilities and those of your students, plus the expectations of the community to which you'll be teaching interact to determine the most effective materials and methodology. It is possible, however, to derive some general principles from the experience and research that'll increase the chances that your teaching will increment and promote the potential of talented children. It is possible to create teaching methodology and materials that will be based on already tested principles. It is the teacher's creative task to combine them to answer to the needs and abilities of the students, maintaining the harmony with their own needs and abilities.


To teach creativity it is required that a teacher be greatly receptive to activities of listening, feeling and seeing the world. S/he needs to be, on his/her own, of upbeat personality, polite, curious and excited about the students´ learning, completely free of hostile attitudes and punishment when it comes to the students. A teacher can never have tendencies to punish. S/he has to be able to let one thing or a fact lead to another thing or yet another fact.

There exist some teachers who are used to placing the responsibility for not being creative on facts and things in the environment, accommodating as such over the years. Of course, in the environment, within society, and the educational system, there also exist many forces which inhibit the individuality of the creative teacher, which leads him/her to conform. In the search for our very own best way to teach, an analysis of the most common inhibiting forces is the least we should do.

They are:

1. Random thinking versus absorbing thought

2. Lack of time to think and to dream

3. Lack of intellectual honesty

4. Desperate mind

5. No more investigation and exploration

6. No more in-depth investigation of new things

7. Deterioration of imagination reserves

8. No more jotting ideas down

9. Fear of individuality

10. Not being yourself anymore

When we analyze each and every one of the 10 items considered obstacles for the creative teachers, we have:

1. When you try to be the only inventor of your very own way of teaching, there are times in which you have to concentrate on the problem. Some people incorrectly associate invention and discovery with mere chance, with random behavior. It is true that many good ideas seem to occur when the person is relaxed - in the tub, during religious services, by the pool. However, these occurrences are ALWAYS preceded by attentive concentration during which the mind maintained itself occupied with the problem in question.

2. The absorbing thought takes up your time. The clock is a tyrant and much can be done to soften its tyranny. The activities have to be developed with authenticity. Don't freak out. Set aside a part of your day for some free time, don't be reserved about daydreaming occasionally, and don't be embarrassed if someone catches you floating outside reality, thinking and concentrating on something that interest only you.

3. We are rarely honest with ourselves when it comes doing things that truly interest us. To become the creator of your own manner of teaching, you have to free yourself from all the coverings and masks that hide you inside your won work; from all your beliefs that are false; and from all conventions and forms that are outdated.

4. Some people think that the more you know, the less you are capable of invention and discovery. That is false. According to Pasteur, the chances increase for the prepared minds. But there is a paradox here. Familiarity along with existing knowledge is necessary to attain more knowledge; however, the existence of previous knowledge about a certain problem can become an impediment to its solution. Pre-concepts are accused of hindering discoveries.

5. For the teacher, there can never be one single period in which the experimentation process and that of testing will cease.

6. In general, the students complain about studying and having to repeat certain topics, thinking that the emphasis causes discouragement. This occurs because the students have not dominated the ability of looking to the subjects approached with neither different things nor great depth. From studies on perception, however, it is clear that an object's meaning changes as we change the point and perspective through which we object it. Previously forgotten details can suddenly become extremely important. After we change the goals or after we obtain additional information, the meaning of something changes as well. Many are the inventions and discoveries through the deliberate use of certain methods, which made the familiar strange and the strange familiar.

7. The person will have difficulty in thinking creatively if her brain isn't rich in memories. Mental reserves filled with images will be useful to the creative teachers when s/he is searching for his/her own invention. One way of enriching the imagination is through the developing consciousness of the environment followed by detailed experimentation. This will be possible through sensory experiences, first-hand experiences, through personal identification with other professionals, through involvement with life. Another effective way is through immersion within world literature.

8. We feel deprived of ideas until the day in which we decide to write them down. Then our lives change! We frequently stop fixating on our own ideas, failing to capture them more so because they occur in inappropriate and uncommon places than because they occur where we'd like them to. Even the children have to be guided regarding the importance of "holding" ideas, taking notes to be used in the future, or to develop them when the opportunity comes.

9. It is difficult to free ourselves from the opinion that people formulate about us. We are always trying to adjust to the expectations of others, to the fact that we shouldn't harm nor offend. This causes us to severely reduce our potentialities. Very few of the creative who contributed magnificently to society were popular or well-accepted by others. In fact, many of them were hated. The creative person always has something urgent to say and is constantly searching for new aspects of the truth.

10. Perhaps the best advice to be given to the teacher who's being capacitated in creativity is:

"Be yourself if you wish to contribute with any original thing that you believe to be worthwhile." This is a piece of advice difficult to receive because we are hindered by our pretension and/or shyness, our doubts and weaknesses, beyond the confused self-concepts.

Seek to know the value of your intuitions. Treat them with care and cultivate the conditions to give them the means to sprout and grow. The process of becoming a creative teacher is, finally, an exciting adventure which brings unexpected returns. Trust in your dreams and from them, build your reality.

Dr. Eliane Leao is a native of Brazil, South America. She has a background in Education from Purdue University (Masters) and a PhD in the Department of Educational Psychology from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP)/Purdue University (Ph.D.). Dr. Leao has also three Bachelor?s degrees, one in Piano, another in Musical Education, and a third in Voice. Dr. Leao is currently a professor of Music Education and Music Therapy conducting research on the influence of Music in Early Childhood Learning.

Dr. Leao hopes that the trials and successes of her family may inspire and convince other parents to stimulate their children during early childhood so that they may enjoy a rich, stimulating, integrated, and happy life always. Visit our site at: http://www.baby-can-read.com for free articles, ebook and free giveaways!

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2012年2月26日 星期日

The Wonder of Sleep

Most of us learned about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs in the 7th or 8th grade. You remember seeing the pyramid that starts with the most basic physical needs and progresses on to love/belonging, esteem and finally self-actualization. When we think of basic physical needs we usually think of breathing, food, water and shelter but we rarely give thought to the requirement of adequate sleep.

The concept of sleep has fascinated me for a long time. It is a subject near and dear to my heart and is something I love to do. It is a subject with which we are all intimately acquainted yet, to this day, it is still not completely understood by scientists. Let's review the basics.

Webster's Dictionary defines sleep as: "The natural periodic suspension of consciousness during which bodily powers are restored." Wikipedia states sleep is, "The recurring state of relatively suspended sensory and motor activity with total or partial unconsciousness and inactivity of nearly all voluntary muscles." OK, we know what it is but what does it accomplish? Why is it a vital necessity of life, included on Maslow's list of basic physical needs?

Sleep is controlled by our internal Circadian "clock" or cycle and is regulated by the neurotransmitter adenosine. This chemical gradually builds up in our brains throughout the day and when the levels are high enough, it induces sleep. The average need for adults is 7 to 8 hours per day and is regulated genetically. Those with a mutation on a particular gene typically sleep 2 hours less than normal. That certainly does not apply to me! But I digress.

Sleep aids in wound healing, boosts immune function, helps in cellular regeneration, allows for growth and rejuvenation of the nervous, skeletal and muscular systems. It also consolidates and organizes the brain's neural connections formed during learning and daily experiences. Those deprived of sleep for as little as 24 hours begin to suffer irritability, cognitive impairments, memory lapses, impaired moral judgment and decreased reaction time and accuracy. Further deprivation can even lead to increased heart rate variability, tremors, aches, impaired immune system, hallucinations and even a higher risk of Type 2 diabetes. Studies have shown that rats kept awake develop skin lesions, loss of body mass, hypothermia and eventually fatal blood poisoning. Poor things!

However, I'd like to explore the spiritual side of this. It seems to me that, among other things, God made us with the desperate need for sleep to show us how weak we humans really are. After all, on average, people spend approximately 1/3 of their lives in an unconscious state!

We run around on this earth thinking our thoughts and plans are so important; that we are in control of our lives and destinies. Even world leaders, with their pomp and ceremonies strut around in front of their people, meeting in summit talks with other rulers, all vying for domination. However, the Bible states that God looks down from his heavenly throne and busts out laughing. Psalm 2: 4 states, "He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord has them in derision and in supreme contempt He mocks them."

You see, God has no need for sleep. He is in total control of all that is happening on earth, down to knowing each of our thoughts and motivations. He holds the universe together by his Word yet is aware when a sparrow falls to the ground. Psalm 121: 3-4 says, "...He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel (and now, all who accept Christ) will neither slumber nor sleep." Wow! What kind of awesome, powerful Being must He be? He is the ultimate multi-tasker!

It is so comforting to know the One who created me constantly has His eye on me and never needs to take a break. I'll never have to leave a message or have Him paged when I need Him. He's always available and I have His full attention when I talk to Him. Nothing slips by Him.

So when you see egomaniacal world leaders and hear their threats of nuclear attack and terrorism; when you worry about the decline of America in the eyes of the world and the moral corruption of society in general remember the real power lies with an Almighty God who needs no rest. Frail humanity however, no matter how big or small our station in life, must put on our jammies every night and succumb to the overwhelming demand of our weakness. Blessed, humbling sleep.

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Why Do We Need Sleep?

Obviously, we are aware on how important sleep is. Whether we understand or not the full concept of what sleep can do to our bodies, we knew that having a day without sleep is terrible. Your eyes and body are heavy, your head hurts, you feel exhausted and you cannot concentrate. Your work and everyday function is greatly affected.

So, what is sleep anyway and why do we need it?

Sleep is a state wherein one is relatively suspended from sensory and motor activities. You can be totally or partially unconscious and while majority of your voluntary muscles are inactive. Before, it was thought that sleep is just a constant and regular block of time when you are not awake. With the advancement of science, scientists had determined that sleep plays a critical role in our body's immune system, our learning, memory, metabolism and other vital organ functions.

As we age, the time we are spending for sleep lessen. From 16 to 18 hours a day for newborns, adults on the average sleep for 7 to 8 hours daily. And because we are all aware to this fact, many older people ignore their sleeping problems, thinking that it is normal. Adults still need 8 hours of sleep. How well you function for the day's tasks and works greatly depends on the quantity and the quality of sleep you had.

Sleep is beneficial for us to react quickly, think clearly, improve our concentration and enable us to create memories. As a matter of fact, the learning pathway in the brain is very active during sleep. Losing even 1 hour of sleep has its price. Your ability to do focus and do physical tasks is greatly decreased resulting to lower performance in school or at work. Also, you tend to make wrong decisions when you are sleepy placing you at more risk.

Sleep also affects our mood. Lack of sleep is often linked to irritability, troubled relationships and poor behavior. Moreover, those who are chronically deprived of sleep are prone to depression.

Most importantly, it is good to our health. Sufficient sleep decreases our risk in having high blood pressure, heart problems and other medical conditions. It is also during sleep that certain hormones that enhances our immune system are at its peak. This might be one reason why a good night's sleep helps you from getting sick.


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2012年2月25日 星期六

Understanding the Need For Diabetic Neuropathy Socks

Diabetes is among the most difficult conditions to manage. Caused by a defect in insulin production, either the absence or inadequacy of it, this condition poses a lot of risks and is known to lead to many different complications all detrimental to one's health. All are aware that when one suffers from diabetes, they most likely are prone, or may already have existing foot problems. Why a diabetic easily develops foot problems is due to the conditions manifested by the disease itself. Though diabetes is characterized by other symptoms as well like very high blood sugar levels, excessive thirst and increased urination, poor circulation and neuropathy are the very culprits leading thousands of diabetics every year to permanent loss of limbs.

As the peripheral nervous system is responsible for the transmission of information from the brain to the peripheries, at the same time sending back sensory from the peripheries to the brain, any damage to it would interfere with all these connections. This is very common in diabetes. When that happens, any injury to the feet is not easily recognized by the brain, leaving them untreated for a long period of time. Eventually, infections would develop leading to complications. Poor circulation is caused by the disease's tendency to harden and block the arteries, limiting transport of blood, oxygen and nutrients to the rest of the body. The extremities become the most deprived areas when circulation is not good. Poor circulation slows down healing and even none at all. The lack of circulating blood reaching the injuries leads to gangrene, or death of tissues, which would have to eventually require amputation.

Sure there are treatments for diabetes available around. But like any other condition, preventing complications from ever occurring in the first place is always the best approach. In diabetes, when medication is required, taking it as scheduled is important. Regular blood sugar checks as well as other preventive measures advised by the physician should be strictly followed. Foot problems are most prevented by protecting your feet from any forms of injury. There are many socks intended for diabetics made available for those with the condition. Socks intended for peripheral neuropathy, which is as easily available, is best for diabetics. They are made with the most ideal fit to provide utmost comfort and relief from pressure. Materials are well chosen for these kinds of socks to provide needed warmth for colder climates.

As peripheral neuropathy often demonstrates numbness and tingling sensations of the hands and feet, and oftentimes lack of sensation at all, neuropathy socks for diabetics is designed to give ultimate protection to the feet. Some peripheral neuropathy socks are even laced with electro massage devices to improve circulation. Check them out at drugstores, local shoe departments and online. Start protecting your feet by being wise in choosing your socks.

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Health Faux Pas

The sugar addiction:

If you are someone who desires sugary stuff, read this. Each time you eat something sweet or sugary, your sugar level rises up making you feel good for a while. But when the sugar level gets too high, it reduces the energy level and makes you gain weight. Get rid of the sugar habit by planning your diet well.


Excessive drinking can lead to heart and liver diseases. Keep it within safe limits. And, make sure you drink enough water between alcoholic drinks. However, as far as possible it is advisable to completely skip it.


Nothing can get worse than smoking. The chemicals in the tobacco are among the main causes of heart diseases, lung cancer and many other diseases. Quit smoking;after all, it pays to live a happy healthy life.

Late nights:

Too much of work, parties or business meetings can deprive you of the required sleep you need. Lack of quality sleep can cause numerous health issues. A minimum of six to eight hours of quality sleep is a must for any individual.

Poor Posture:

Poor posture can affect your ability to function as you age. Neck and back problems can be avoided by improving your posture. Start doing a few stretching exercises on daily basis. Correct posture can also improve your self esteem.

Loud music:

Loud music can be fun but at the same time turn fatal too. If you are in the habit of listening to loud music regularly, remember the loud noise can damage the ear's sensory nerve cells. Listen at a low volume and use protective earmuffs or earplugs to prevent loud sounds reaching your eardrums.

Copyright 2009 FaYo.in

Yogitha Ramamoorthy is a freelance fashion designer and a fashion writer. She is a regular contributor to various online magazines and newspapers. Visit her blog http://www.yogitharamamoorthy.blogspot.com and website http://www.fayo.in for more FREE information on fashion, styling and beauty tips.

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2012年2月24日 星期五

The Healing Effects of Meditation

Meditation has a positive effect on your body, both in a physiological and a behavioral way. The main effect is that you can get your body to relax and this helps to remove the stressful feelings that are causing tension in different parts of the body. Much research has been done on the effects of meditation on the body and on how it can help in healing or lessening the symptoms of various medical conditions.

One of the immediate effects of meditation is that it slows down the heart rate as you concentrate on your breathing. By taking large breaths in through your nose and holding them for a few seconds before slowly exhaling, you are also bringing oxygen to the deepest depths of the lungs that are often deprived of oxygen in normal breathing.

Research has shown that meditation is one of the best exercises you can engage in for a healthy heart. Transcendental meditation and meditating with the eyes closed seems to be more effective at lowering the heart rate than meditating with the eyes open.

When you lower your heart rate, another one of the effects of meditation is that it increases the blood flow to all parts of the body because the heart is pumping blood at a steadier rate. Blood flow is also necessary for mental clarity, which helps you understand facets of your daily life more clearly.

Research into these effects of meditation have shown that blood flow increases more in meditation than when they body is at rest when sleeping. If you have any problems with high blood pressure or hypertension, you would benefit greatly from practicing meditation.

In the studies that have been conducted, patients who started practicing meditation on a daily basis were able to successfully discontinue taking the medication that had been prescribed to lower their blood pressure levels and were able to keep the blood pressure down. The relaxation of the body during meditation also helped to relax any muscles that may have been compressing parts of the circulatory system.

Mediating on a daily basis equips you with the mental skills to recover more quickly from traumatic or stressful events in your life. This is because of the sense of peace and calm you are able to create in your mind and body and this gives you skills to deal with situations in different ways. You are able to sit back and think about what is happening before you react.

Experts say that the effects of guided meditation extend to enhanced sensory, perceptual and cognitive abilities. You are able to think clearer with the increased blood flow to the brain and this allows you to release your creative talent in finding ways of solving problems. You can also think in a more logical manner and have a greater sense of concentration. This in turn improves your memory. Research has found that those who meditate on a daily basis are less likely to develop Alzheimer`s Disease.

The increased perceptual abilities that are effects of meditation will help you develop a greater understanding of events that are occurring around you. You are able to understand the reasoning of others and understand the reasons for their actions. This also helps you respond to them in more productive ways, which makes your life a lot calmer and easier.

Sarah Martin is a freelance marketing writer from San Diego, CA. She specializes in guided meditation as an effective method of managing stress and anxiety. The effects of meditation have shown excellent results in reducing the negative impact of stress on daily life. For more information, please visit http://www.wilddivine.com/.

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Alternative Practices and Techniques to Help Cure Numerous Sleep Disorders

Sleep Disorder is disruptive for a person's day-to-day life. Those who are deprived of sleep usually experience fatigue and drowsiness. They remain inactive throughout the day and they are just looked down on by other people.

Therefore, to check this malady of sleep disorder, you should focus on diet, nutrition, herbs and supplements along with exercises, and meditation. People also believe that relaxation and sensory techniques have a soothing effect on sleep. You may also opt for cognitive strategies which are beneficial and most often are used with the combination of behavioural or cognitive strategies as an alternative approach to overcome sleep disorders.

A healthy and nutritious diet is necessary for the sound sleep. Adding certain foods in your daily diet is as important as avoiding certain foods. Drinking plenty of water and having a variety of foods keep your body stabilised with a great level of energy.

Avoiding processed food, limiting the quantity of caffeine, and sugar helps improve your overall physical condition. There are numerous foods that stimulate a restful sleep and are of immensely important in relieving some of the sleeping disorder symptoms.

Before hitting the bed, having proper snack can increase the natural level of Serotonin. Serotonin is made from the amino acids tryptophan in the body. Foods that are enriched in tryptophan include avocados, cheese, fish, nuts, bananas, chicken, and milk.

As an alternative approach, most people use herbs and natural supplements to treat their sleep disorders. With the use of exercise and relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga and breathing exercise, you can reduce the mental tension and stress tremendously. People with the help of these techniques are able to overcome the sleeping disorders.

Visualisation and meditation are some of the alternatives to reduce the sleeping disorders. As such, there are two forms of meditation; breath and mantra meditation, which have a calming effect on the body.

Aromatherapy and Hydrotherapy are the two main techniques that lessen the symptoms of the sleeping disorders. In aromatherapy, essential massage oils, bath oils, room sprays are used whereas, in hydrotherapy there is the use of Epsom salt bath and a lymph footbath.

Behavioural and cognitive strategies are some other techniques which are used to deal with the sleep disorders; thus improving the overall performance of an individual.

Now, with focusing on the above mentioned sleeping disorders, you may experience substantial reduction in the sleeping disorders.

Dave Clark has many years experience writing articles, he has also written many books, and is well known in the industry. Dave currently has many projects he is working on, he is also on the board of directors for Cushy Sofa a manufacturer and online retailer of Divans, Memory Foam Sofas, Memory Foam Toppers, Memory Foam Mattresses, Buy your Memory Foam Pillows direct from the manufacturer

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2012年2月23日 星期四

Do You Eat Your Stress then Stress over What You've Eaten?

In short, binge eating can be described as unrestrained, excessive indulgence and you don't care for that moment; replaced by feelings of self-loathing, personal disgust and feelings of failure. Add to that the presence of stress and it feels amplified to a seemingly hopeless level. But please know that it's not hopeless, you are not hopeless.

Most people binge eat or stress eat because it gives them a sense of control. The rules are up to them and no one is there to approve or disapprove of their actions; they are in charge of themselves. Some folks feel a sort of numbness during their stress binge. Maybe you had a busy day at work or at home which included a few full meetings, heated discussions or disagreements. Maybe a project that you've been working on had a glitch that you couldn't quite fix or it didn't work out as you planned, or perhaps a coworker was less than cooperative. When your work day was done you might have felt frazzled and frustrated and wanted just one thing to go your way today and it began with consuming something sweet, smooth, rich, and all yours. The feeling you got while indulging offset your bitter, difficult and emotionally/physically heated day. Unfortunately that elated feeling was followed by more negative feelings and self-thoughts.

Your life doesn't have to continue to follow this self-sabotaging cycle. You can gain control over all situations if you can recognize the issues and the feelings that are attached to such issues. You can learn how to de-stress without turning to food to "fix it". A few strategies to stop your stress-related binge eating are:

-Exercise (a mood booster), meditation, sensory relaxation techniques and simple breathing exercises

-Eat 3 meals a day plus healthy snacks in between meals, also keep healthy snacks at your desk or in your car as well as fresh filtered or spring water since dehydration can lead to stress as well

-Avoid temptation; keep only healthy snacks in the house, car or office

-Don't diet, dieting means deprivation. If you eat healthy, whole foods regularly it's ok to indulge in small portions once in a while which will eliminate the feeling of being deprived or "left out"

-Remedy boredom, you've probably heard that a hundred times but it works since we often eat when not hungry for lack of something else to do

-Proper sleep is essential, even if it means turning in earlier than your used to doing

-Know the signs of hunger; is it emotional or is it physical?

-Keep a food diary, if nothing else it shows you exactly what you've eaten throughout the day, you might be surprised that it's often more food than we think we eat

-And lastly, quite important too, Get Support! Having someone who understands and can guide you through the process of gaining control of your lifestyle and eating habits is undoubtedly beneficial.

So, next time you have a rough day and want to grab that double chocolate latte topped with a mountain of whipped cream or a super chunk candy bar stop for a moment, breathe, center your thoughts and drive home. On this particular day, be in charge of yourself in a loving, nurturing, caring way. You don't have to be the victim of other's negativity and control; be a hero to yourself. Be proud of who you are and don't let anyone undo your personal weight or lifestyle successes.

Dawn M. Silva CHHC

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2012年2月15日 星期三

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome - Optical Migraine

Some people believe that an optical migraine can keep them from performing their everyday tasks and jobs. But, some doctors and artists understand the power of the visual headache and what is means to the imagination. Lewis Carroll, the author of "Alice in Wonderland", is thought to have suffered from this condition and the result is a piece of work filled with great imagination and a disappearing cat.

An optical migraine is an uncommon form of headache that is associated with an aura. An aura is an extrasensory symptom of headache pain. The aura can affect any of the five senses, with vision being affected in the ocular form. Sufferers often report seeing bright lights, zig zagging patterns of light and hallucinations. Floaters, or bright dots of light appearing before the eyes to be floating, are also common. When doctors linked Lewis Carroll to the condition, the name Alice in Wonderland Syndrome was born and is used to this day.

Lacking Creativity?

Not every sufferer feels creative enough during their bouts of pain to write a literal masterpiece. As a matter of fact, sleep and sensory deprivation most often help ease the pain and may reduce the length of time the headache will last. The auras may be a trigger that pain is coming soon, or may be experienced after the pain has already started. In some cases, the visual affects appear but no pain follows. There are no set rules in regards to optical migraines. One day the aura can appear with no pain and the next no aura but pain is horrid.

To read more about optical migraine, visit http://www.headacheworld.com/

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2012年2月14日 星期二

Stress Relief Solution: Sleep

If you are looking for stress relief- look no further than you bed and your pillow! You must have the proper amount and type of sleep if you really want to manage your stress!

A poll taken in the year 2000 by the National Sleep Foundation found that sleep debt is a problem for more than half of America's workforce. Their data suggests that in the last century we've reduced the average amount of time we sleep by 20 percent.

Of course, I suppose that most of us recognize that if we don't get adequate sleep for a night or two, we may not function as well the next day. If we work a job where accuracy is super important, or if we are driving a long distance, we sure don't want to be sleepy. And we may even realize that adequate sleep affects our immune system. With a lack of sleep, we may be more likely to get sick. But tying the optimum amount of sleep into various diseases and even our longevity...well, maybe that is food for thought!

In reality, sleep deprivation is taking a serious toll on our overall health! In Super Foods Healthstyle by Steven G Pratt, he reports that a sleep debt of merely 3 or 4 hours in a week may have a direct bearing on the following:

• Obesity

• Coronary heart disease

• Hypertension

• Diabetes

• Immune function

• Cognitive performance

• Longevity

Sleep deprivation is a stressor and when you don't get enough sleep, your glucocorticoids go up which are the main hormone groups that cause the stress response in your body. The group of stress hormones that is released during the stress response are called glucocorticols and include norepinephrine, adrenaline, and a variety of other hormones designed to make you very alert.

If these glucocorticol levels go up they can actually inhibit your ability to sleep. In other words, not getting enough sleep triggers the hormones that will make it difficult for you to sleep! The good news is that if you are exhausted enough, you will sleep anyway- but even then, the quality of your sleep will be effected by these hormones.

Lose sleep- Die Young!

You do not have to lose huge amounts of sleep before it takes a toll. One study found that sleeping less than 4 hours per night was associated with a 2.8 times higher rate of mortality for men and a 1.5 times higher rate for women. The author of this study also found that length of sleep time was a better predictor of mortality than smoking, cardiac disease, or hypertension.

Another study found that people who slept six hours or less a night had a 70 per cent higher mortality rate over a nine-year period than those who slept seven to eight hours a night!

More important than how much sleep we get, is the type of sleep that we get. Although there are several different stages of sleep, the most important is call REM or Rapid Eye Movement sleep. During this stage of sleep the secondary sensory cortex becomes active- which is a major processing center of the brain. This is where we process information without having a visual or auditory stimulation. We call this dreaming.

What Really Happens When I'm Dreaming?

In the 1970's there were extensive sleep studies at Berkeley University in California. It was through these studies and subsequent studies that we discovered the stages of sleep, what they all do, and what happens when you don't get them!

During dreaming, many different parts of our brain including the limbic system, the emotional part of our brains, is highly active and seems to be processing emotions from the day.

As a Master Rapid Eye Therapist, I certainly understand the importance of this process. In fact, Rapid Eye Therapy harnesses the power REM to by putting a person into the same brain wave patterns found in the brain during REM so that we can quickly and easily process both conscious and unconscious emotions! (See the Managing Your Emotions section for more information.)

We could say, that when you are missing sleep, you are missing the chance to literally process the emotions of your day- it's like having your own therapy session every night! In fact, during REM stage of sleep, the eyes blink rapidly, but the eyeballs actually move around in various positions that cause certain parts of the brain to fire in the following sequence:

o As you look off to the right or left, the auditory part of the brain fires- processing everything you might have HEARD,

o The eyes move up to the left- and the Memory centers of the brain fire processing MEMORIES

o The eyes look straight up causing the visual cortex to fire, processing everything you have SEEN.

o The eyes then look up and to the right, firing the area of the brain that runs your habitual PATTERNS.

o Then the eyes look straight down, which fires the limbic areas of the brain-processing all the emotions-- everything you FELT.

This process is what I call a "body google" -- searching for all the stressful events that are overloading your body and brain! This process keeps repeating for about 20 minutes, all the while you are dreaming. It would appear that the body is literally designed to process the stress of the day, especially when you see what happens next!

At the end of all the blinking and eye rolling, something very strange happens. The eyes roll back in the head, and there is a literal "gas "of negatively charged ions that come out of the eyes! WHAT THE???? It would appear that after all this "googling" that the "residue" of all that stress from the day comes out of your body in the form of negatively charged ions! That happens to you every night and it should happen three times a night --if you are getting enough sleep!

Who would have thought when you sleep you are really working on your "issues" and processing all the things that give you stress! The scary thing is that many sleeping pills, like the popular Ambien actually inhibit you from ever going into REM stage of sleep! You are missing out on a huge benefit of sleep!

In fact, in subsequent studies, it was found that conditions like post partum depression may be caused from the mother being awakened so many times with the baby during the night that they never get any REM stage sleep. This is thought to be a major cause of depression /anxiety in new mothers.

The glucocorticoid hormones that are released during stress can also make it not only difficult to go to sleep, but also interrupt the REM stage of sleep.

It is clear that all the stages of sleep have a purpose and that missing REM sleep stages, or not getting enough of them by not sleeping long enough can have dangerous consequences

How Much Sleep Do We Need?

In order to get experience REM three times a night, and all the stages of sleep you need to really have optimum performance and prevent the stress response in the body, the following guidelines are suggested:

• A six to twelve year old will need between 10 ? and 11 ? hours of sleep a night.

• A teenager will require a little less sleep, probably around 9 or 10 hours a night.

• An adult should be getting 7 to 8 hours sleep each night.

In addition, it is better for you to sleep at night than during the daytime. In fact, sleeping between the hours of 10 P.M. and 6 A.M. is considered to be optimal. This allows for your body to restore its needed melatonin levels in a natural way.

Create A Peaceful Environment

The environment around you absolutely has an effect on your ability to relax and go to sleep. Here are some suggestions for creating a peaceful environment, taken from my experience with Feng Shui:

• Don't put your bed directly under a window

Try to avoid this arrangement- as the energy from outside cascades down on you all night If you have to sleep under a window, put a heavy drape over the window and keep it closed at night.

• Get rid of the lights

Even a bright alarm clock can trigger your pineal gland that its time to wake up instead of go to sleep! Cover up all offending lights that won't turn off and notice how much better and LONGER you can sleep! Drape your windows if the sun comes in too early in the morning as well.

• NEVER put a TV /office equipment in your bedroom

The EMF's (Electric Magnetic Frequencies) from this equipment will disrupt your sleep (not to mention your love life!). Just because you cant see it does not mean it isn't real., and EMF's are real. Sometimes this is unavoidable-- but just realize that this will cause a sleep disruption and if you can, put the TV's and office's in other places than the bedroom.

• Don't sleep directly across from a mirror

Believe it or not, you can actually see with your eyes closed, and seeing an image of what could appear to be another uninvited person in the room can invoke anxiety-- even when you are asleep! Crazy but true!

• Make your bed-clean up the clutter!

Your mother was right! Getting into a clean fresh made bed can have a very calming effect on your body. Making the bed also keeps animals, and unwanted dust and energy off your sheets. Close your drawers, pick up your clothes and you will get an added measure of calm and peaceful rest.

Your Body's Natural Sleeping Pill

We have talked about how prescription Sleeping pills inhibit REM Sleep and may actually do more harm than good. So what can you do if you can't sleep? Get your body back in balance by turning to Mother Nature!

Melatonin is a natural hormone made by your body's pineal gland. During the day the pineal is inactive, but when darkness comes, the pineal is turned on and begins to actively produce melatonin. In order to get enough melatonin:

1. Get a full night sleep in complete darkness (Get some "Blinders" if you have a lot of bleed through light in your room

2. Take a Melatonin Producing supplement-

So, close your eyes at night to avoid diabetes, to lose weight, to strengthen your immune system, to feel better, and to live longer!


• Make a commitment to get to bed by 10:00pm.

• Choose one thing that you could change about your sleeping environment from the list.

• Take An Amino Acid/supplement Based Sleep Aid like Take a Magnesium/Calcium Supplement like CALM


Amino Booster Bedtime Cocktail: ? cup walnuts, 1 cup milk/yogurt, 1tsp honey. Mix it up and eat or drink it.

Finding true stress relief means finding and honoring your body's own natural sleep rhythms. For more innovative real stress solutions go to


Angela W. Bussio is a best selling author, coach, and founder of Real Stress Solutions.com, and inbox magazine. Real Stress Solutions provides state-of-the-art stress reduction and management techniques to help people find the balance they need. She is also the innovator of upcoming online program,"Turn Stress to Success" featuring the "5 minute Stress Solution" phone APP.

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Question of Our Existence is Solved - It's All in Our Head

Do you ever wonder about who and what 'we' are? I do. Moreover, what makes me 'me". What makes you, 'you?'

The more spiritually minded perceive our consciousness, our 'we'-ness, as an extension of, or an entity separate from, our physical beings - our soul if you like. Others see this soul as a gateway to a supernatural existence, perhaps life after death. The question then is- what makes us 'us?' You may be surprised by the answer.

First I need to define what 'we' is: it is our conscious self. Our self-aware, unique personality.

I will, by using a process of elimination, illustrate what makes up what we regard as our unique selves.

How do I do that? The same way that medical researchers work out the finer mechanisms of how we function; though observing the consequences of injury to the cells and organs. In this case, the brain.

Our brain weights 3 pounds, is comprised 75% water and 10% fatty tissue. It represents 2% of our body weight, contains 100 billion neurons and consumes in excess of 20% of our oxygen when resting.

Standing in front of you, my ability to know that I am present is provided by a number of sensory inputs - senses - which, when combined with my thought and emotional processes, make up my consciousnesses - 'me.' These senses are sight, touch, taste, hearing and smell.

Damage to any part of my brain will change 'me' - from subtle nuances of my personality to my very existence as a conscious being. And when I say me, I mean the conscious 'me,' the person I know that I am and the person you know that I am. Let me demonstrate what I mean.

A hard impact to the right place on my head can make me become instantly unconscious. How hard that impact is will determine just how deeply unconscious I am and when I may wake up; if ever. By damaging my brain, my state of awareness - of consciousness - is instantly switched off. I am no longer me; I may never again be.

Let's delve a bit further. An impact over the right or left eye damages the front part of my brain - my frontal lobe - the seat of my personality among other things. This damage can leave me a changed person - from a delightful, charming (some would say witty) man into a nasty jerk; and fairly quickly too. (My wife reminds me that it doesn't require an impact for this to happen to me; bless her for reminding me.)

When a lobotomy is performed - the act of insertion of an implement behind the eye and wiggling it around - my personality is also changed. I will be left - again permanently - in a new state of consciousness, unrecognizable as the person you previously knew. 'I' will now be anything from lethargic to vegetative depending on how vigorous the surgeon was with his implement.

Our body is not an integral part of our consciences. Let's, for a moment, examine what happens in the event of a back injury (my back in this case) - the severing my spinal chord right at the base of the skull.

Assuming I don't die right away, I now no longer have any sensory perceptions from my body - none whatsoever. No touch, feeling, pain, motor skills, nada. Indeed my most basic functions such as breathing will need a machine to keep me alive. This does not however deprive me of my 'me-ness' as a visit with a patient with Lou Gehrig's Disease will show; take Stephen Hawking as an example. Sufferers, who lose control of their body over time, are very much 'themselves' as their brain continues to function well.

Let's see what happens when damage is done to other places in the brain.

An impact to the back of the head can destroy our ability to see by damaging the occipital lobe. Maybe for good. An impact or blow to any part of the top our heads can deprive us of a number of functions including our ability to hear; think, reason, speak, to make sense when we speak, to understand our surroundings. It can destroy our memories, our sense of smell, taste, our sex drive. It can interfere with our ability to move and control our bodies. This effect can occur by chemical means also through the use of alcohol or drugs.

I have demonstrated that the 'you' or 'us' part of us is a physical part of our makeup.

As such it narrows down, perhaps even begin to dismantle, the concept of our consciousness - our 'we'-ness, as a separate entity from our brain. We know this because we can change components of ourselves through physical or chemical means. "We' are very much hardwired into our brain; 'we' are our brain.

Evidence suggests that we're living closer to the answer of our existence than we think; whether we like those conclusions or not, they're very - physically - real.

These conclusions do not, nor are they meant to, interfere with the faith of those who believe in G-d or those who are atheists. The brain is the most amazing 3 pounds of matter in existence. Its capabilities are infinite in the abstract; a whole world - a lifetime of living - for a person.

It is a miracle of creation or evolution (whatever your preference).

Evin Daly is a journalist and publisher of http://ButlerReport.com (World News Update).

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2012年2月13日 星期一

The 7 Most Deadly Sleeping Mistakes Resulting in Insomnia!

Mistake 1: Non stop chatter, constant worrying and a rewind of the day's events

As soon as we hit the pillow, there seems to be a rewind of the day's events and a constant chatter in our heads as to whether we did that right or did this wrong. This happens to so many of us that we can count almost everybody in. This is the single biggest mistake that people make and don't even realize they making it. Before they know it, it's the crack of dawn and then their brain decides to switch off only for the alarm clock to go off a few hours later, and then disaster strikes, "we can't get up and we're nearly late for work."

Mistake 2: Trying so hard but failing

When scientists carried out a study in America, from which they could examine sleep problems and how fast it took people to sleep in different circumstances, what they found was that sleep is down to our brain activity and nothing else. The first group of insomniacs from a sleep clinic were told that who ever fell asleep first would win a prize of $500. The second group of insomniacs were simply told nothing. What they discovered was that the first group took 3 times more time to fall asleep than the second who was not told anything but to just relax and sleep. What we have to understand is that the brain will fall asleep when it's ready, not when we want it to, and therefore trying to sleep is counter productive. "Sleep is not something you can do, but have to let happen by letting go."

Mistake 3: It's gotten so bad, you've convinced yourself that just a poor sleeper

Many people who go on sleeping badly for months or years even, then convince themselves that they're bad sleepers as a defensive measure to try and feel better and say "there's nothing wrong with me , I'm normal." While it's true that they are not abnormal in any way but accepting this problem is like giving up and so therefore if one is convinced they are a poor sleeper, they will carry on sleeping poorly and never get rid of the problem. And lets face it, we're not born with insomnia or sleep deprivation, why accept it.

Mistake 4: Fear of Insomnia, hence the rush to Sleeping Pills

When people hear of the word Insomnia, the thought of someone crazy with huge dark circles under their eyes comes to mind. But many insomniacs are normal everyday people who just look more tired than those who sleep some what better. Many people who have trouble sleeping, rush to sleeping pills like it's the only answer and very quickly become addicted to them. As they take the pills, not do they only start to become used to them hence requiring bigger and stronger doses over a short period of time, they also suffer the side effects such as headaches, day time drowsiness (hangovers), and reduced brain cell activity during the day thus loss of concentration and lower levels of energy during the day.

Mistake 5: Little or no exercise resulting in low SMR brainwave activity during the day

Athletes and people who exercise regularly, have high levels of what is called Sensory Motor Rhythm (SMR) brainwave activity during the day to which in comparison people who don't exercise have a very low level of. Scientists believe that it is the level of this band of brainwaves during the day which determines when the brain switches off during the night. Higher SMR activity in one's brain means the brain is more active during the day resulting in quicker and more uninterrupted fall asleep times during the night. It's this band of brainwaves that people suffering from Insomnia and sleep deprivation lack during the day, and therefore resulting in constant sleep problems.

Mistake 6: Taking it easy after a bad nights sleep - Bad Idea!

When most people have a bad night sleep, they obviously feel tired during the day and therefore sometimes take the day off work and decide to take the rest of the day easy. Lousing around, they hardly get any daylight and also do very little physical activity such as going upstairs or anything which requires energy. Doing this keeps the SMR brain activity as low as possible and again does no good for the next nights sleep either. Getting as much exposure to daylight and fresh air shuts down production of Melatonin, a hormone which tells your body to feel sleepy during the dark at night or in dark conditions bringing about better sleeping conditions.

Mistake 7: The bedroom and your bed is for SLEEP and SEX only, it's Not your Living Room!

Due to the fact that sleep is very difficult to get by now, many people start to associate the bedroom with staying awake as they can't sleep when they go to bed. They go to bed in a state of worrying as bed is not their favourite place. It's boring and tiring not because they get sleep but because they don't get any. As they begin to associate being awake and the bed together, they begin to do many other activities such reading surfing on the internet with their laptops and many more things on the bed during the day than what should be done. The brain automatically associates the bed with the state of being wide awake. Once this happens, it becomes very difficult to sleep at night on the bed as the body happens to be very used to the feeling of the bed and no longer finds it relaxing once we retire to the bed after a long hard days work.

Mike Khan has been suffering from insomnia himself until he discovered the alternative to his sleeping pills. To learn more visit [http://www.SleepTracks.co.uk].

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Insomnia Causes: Some Uncommon Insomnia Causes

Out of so many, rarely do the uncommon insomnia causes get discussed. Insomnia is characterized by problems falling or staying asleep. It is a condition that tens of millions have.

Oftentimes, natural events in life such as natural aging and the weather are insomnia causes. Additional insomnia causes are from human reactiona towards events that can cause stress, anxiety and depression. The reason it goes over five hundred is that it is a symptoms of various other medical conditions as well. Rarely is it a condition in itself. Factors that can cause insomnia do come in numbers. Therefore, several can be causing a person's insomnia at the same time.

Fatal Familial Insomnia (FFI)

One of the most rare insomnia causes is a disease called Fatal Familial Insomnia. FFI sufferers go on months of increasing insomnia which ends in death. Increasing insomnia develops into a point wherein the patient no longer gets to sleep.

It can showcase the effects of extreme sleep deprivation. Some FFI sufferers go through panic attacks, hallucinations and dementia after long periods of sleeplessness. A few even lose their ability to speak and a few motor functions.

FFI is a rare prion hereditary disease of the brain. An example of another prion disease would be madcow disease which was unheard of until recently. Similarly, FFI has been discovered in the late 1990's. There is yet much to know about this disease and a cure is yet to be found.

Sensory-Motor Rhythm (SMR) deficiency

More recent studies regarding sleep have been chemical and biological in nature. The study of brainwaves leads to the discovery of other causes of insomnia.

Something athletes have in abundance that insomniacs and people with ADHD don't is SMR. Sensory-Motor Rhythm (SMR) is the brainwave that is used for passive intellectual activities.

Increasing SMR of insomniacs resulted into deeper sleep and more energy throughout the day. It also helped reduce anxiety.


In general, vitamins are good. They are an important part of a healthy diet. However, too much or too little of some vitamins can cause insomnia.

Vitamin B12 deficiency (pernicious anemia) is caused by too little vitamin B12 in the diet. It could also be caused by the inability of the body to absorb it. It's one of few insomnia causes related to vitamin deficiency. This vitamin deficiency is rather serious if left untreated. It causes the production of red blood cells in the body to decrease. That is why it is called pernicious anemia.

Vitamin B1 (thiamin) is important in converting carbohydrates, fats, and alcohol into energy. It cleanses the body of toxins and prevents damage to the heart and nervous system. However, taking more than the recommended 1 mg a day is not a good idea. Too much of vitamin B1 results in toxicity. Insomnia is included among symptoms of toxicity.

There are various vitamins and minerals that can help people get a good night's sleep. Examples of which are vitamin B6 and vitamin C. Too much or too little of anything is bad. This is also true for these vitamins which the body needs to stay healthy. They can be insomnia causes.

Insomnia, the inability to sleep, is a frustrating condition for tens of millions. I have developed a website detailing insomnia causes and what you can do about them. Check it out, and get some sleep!

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2012年2月12日 星期日

Hypnosis For Fasting

Most of us experience hunger as anything but joyful. When pangs of hunger strike, most of us experience them as the enemy. Often hunger makes us confused, tired, and irritable. Worst of all; hunger pains can lead us to overeat, or to eat sweets and other junk food. Under the dire influence of hunger, we fear we will lose control of our dietary discipline, and stuff ourselves with food. So we learn to fear hunger itself.

But there is another side of hunger. People who are experienced fasters and many athletes know that there is a powerful and beneficial side to hunger. Hunger can be made into our friend, and an excellent friend indeed, who can not only help us to lose weight but can also help us strengthen and heal our bodies. I will show in this article how we can use the powers of hypnosis to help create this new relationship to hunger.

Hundreds of medical studies have proven that when the body is fasting, (Skipping one or more meals) it naturally performs many healing functions. Here are some of the physical benefits of fasting:

-Resting the digestive system, and allowing it to rebalance its digestive enzymes, probiotics (healthy bacteria, which are essential for digestion), rest and rebuild its muscular walls and membranes, and dispose of waste.

-Cleansing the organs of the body and the entire circulatory system of both the normal toxins that are the byproducts of healthy metabolism, and the dangerous environmental toxins that surround us.

-Rebuilding muscle, connective tissue, and organs--most experts agree this can only be done when we are fasting or sleeping.

-Activating the immune system to fight bacterial and viral infections, tumors, and other parasites.

-Reestablishing a healthy blood sugar balance. This is why fasting has for centuries been recommended for diabetes sufferers.

-For those who need to lose weight, skipping meals when done as a part of a carefully managed program can be very effective.

Yes, these are benefits of fasting, which can start adding up even by skipping just one meal per week. These benefits are proven to lead to greater health and longevity. As just one example, medical researchers have determined that when lab rats are given only 50% of the food they usually eat, they live much healthier lives, and live 40% longer than similar lab rats on a regular diet. For more information about the benefits of fasting, I recommend the writings of Paavo Airola, one of the great luminaries in the field of holistic nutrition and cleansing diets, and the works of Ed Bauman, teacher of nutrition in Sonoma County California. Or find a naturopathic physician or nutritionist in your area to assist you in creating a program that is right for you.

But there are also the joys of fasting. Once we can overcome the panic reactions many of us associate with hunger, fasting can actually be a joyful experience. Like many other experienced fasters, I find that in the state of mild hunger I feel good. Here is some of what it feels like.

Once the body's blood sugar reaches a balanced state, one has considerably more energy when the digestive system is resting. I find it easier to hike, rock climb, and run for many miles when I am fasting, or at least eating very little.

In a state of mild food deprivation ones senses and emotions become extremely acute. While this sensitivity may be uncomfortable in some environments, I find my increased senses of sight, hearing, and smell to be usually quite delightful. While in this heightened state, the whine of a motorcycle engine grates severely on my nerves. But this is more than compensated for by the extraordinary beauty of a symphony on my CD player or the sun shimmering on the water of the lake across the street. My sense of smell becomes especially acute, so that every walk outdoors brings a symphony of delicious fragrances. (Thank God my multiple pollen and chemical and mold allergies have been healed with hypnosis!) I suspect that this sensory acuity, especially to aromas, is an ancient adaptation. After all when our body is hungry all our senses turn on to help our bodies locate food.

Once my body reaches a balance I find it easy to call upon and communicate with my inner guides. There is something about fasting which opens the higher spiritual channels. This special quality of fasting has been in the literature of the mystics and saints for at least 2000 years, and is as true now as it was then.

Ironically, a primary benefit from occasional fasting is the reduction of hunger symptoms. I used to be always obsessed with food, and suffered frequent and disturbing cravings. I could hardly go two hours without a snack, which I justified by my self diagnosis of hypoglycemia. Once I became comfortable with being a little bit hungry, and taking a 20 minute nap instead of a sugary treat when I was tired, I felt the shackles of a food addiction were removed from me. Now most of my day I don't even think about food. And boy, are there lots of more fun things than food to think about!

So how can hypnosis help us to move from hunger as the enemy to hunger as a faithful friend? Let me count the ways.

First, we can use hypnosis to speak directly to the stomach, letting it know that a little hunger is a good thing, and instructing it to relax on command.

We can also use regression to access memories in which hunger was associated with pain, fear, abuse or neglect. We can then rescue the inner child from these traumatic experiences. Then we teach the inner child that their adult self is with them during their brief experiences of fasting to give them extra love and reassurance. This can help eliminate the intense emotional reaction to hunger.

When you feel hunger as painful, you may find it helpful to drink liquids, especially warm tea or fruit juice diluted to half strength with water. Certain vitamin and mineral supplements, or even liquid meals, can also help put your hungry feelings to bed while speeding up your body's recovery abilities. This gives the stomach a relaxed feeling of fullness and lifts blood sugar very gently, all without disturbing the healing process and sensory/spiritual powers of fasting. Hypnosis can be used to reinforce this healthy habit.

So if you are ready to enjoy the benefits of hunger, ask your nutritionist for ideas on how to make meal skipping work for you. If you have a serious illness, fasting could even be a big part of the solution, provided you work closely with a naturopathic physician and your regular doctor. And a hypnotherapist can help the whole process of healing your illness, as well as make fasting an easier and more comfortable process for you. Enjoy fasting..give your body the gift of health...and give your consciousness the gift of joy.

David Quigley is the creator of Alchemical Hypnotherapy, a popular form of therapy based upon empowering clients to access inner guides (archetypes) within the subconscious mind as the primary sources of healing. This technology, which incorporates elements of clinical hypnosis, NLP, Gestalt, Jungian, and Reichian therapies, and Psychosynthesis, has wide-ranging application in the areas of addiction treatment, abuse recovery, alternative medicine, and peak performance training. David Quigley is the director of the Alchemy Institute of Healing Arts in Santa Rosa, CA (http://www.alchemyinstitute.com) where he also maintains a busy private practice in addition to teaching workshops, intensives, retreats and seminars.

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Grey Matter Matters

Your brain is made up of many different parts. These different parts of the brain each have their own important function.

Two parts of the brain are the left and right hemispheres. The left part of the brain interprets and produces representational data. It looks after language, mathematics, reasoning, etc. The right part of the brain looks after the functions such as art, dancing etc.

Both parts of the brain work together to examine sensory information, to gain new knowledge, to make decisions.

Connecting these two parts of the brain is the Corpus Callosum. It allows communication between the two hemispheres, and if damaged a condition known as split brain may occur.

Our brain is also divided into three other parts.

The Frontal Lobe is responsible for cognition and memory, the Parietal Lobe processes sensory input, and the Occipital Lobe is the primary visual reception area.

The Limbic System is the part of the brain that controls the Olfactory pathways.

The Basal Ganglia is the part of the brain that processes information between the thalamus and motor cortex. Because it affects balance and our voluntary movements this part of the brain is affected by diseases such as Parkinson's.

The Thalamus is the part of the brain that synchronizes and adjusts activity of the cerebral cortex. The Hypothalamus is the part of the brain that regulates body temperature and endocrine function.

I could continue but there are so many different parts of the brain we'd be here for weeks. With so many parts and functions the brain is a complex organism and therefore at risk of malfunctioning on many different levels.

The networks of nerves that reach out from your brain manage the running of your day to day life. It's the most important organ you possess. But it cannot do it alone. The brain requires sustaining through many other organs in the body.

Aging is one of your brain's greatest enemies because it is so vulnerable to oxidative stress. All the parts of your brain only make up 2% of total body weight. Together they require 20% of the oxygen you ingest.

Anything that threatens the supply of oxygen makes the brain vulnerable. Stroke, head injuries, heart failure, can all deprive different parts of the brain of oxygen. Under conditions such as these oxidative stress can cause an over production of free radicals.

Is there anything you can do to reduce risk to all these different parts of your brain?

The answer is yes!!

More than any other part of your body the brain needs a plentiful supply of antioxidants to control those free radicals so intent on causing damage.

Enzogenol can supply you with a natural source of antioxidants that is equivalent to eating 8 kilos of fruit and vegetables a day. Enzogenol contains 80% Proanthocyanidins, as well as Taxifolin, Quercetin, Catechin, Piceatannol, and Phenolic Acids. A potent mix of antioxidants ready to protect the most important part of your body - your brain.

When it comes to the latest research on antioxidants, I strongly recommend a high quality resource called http://www.enzogenolglobal.com Check it out:) and Grab their Free eBook called 'The Secret Formula To A Long Healthier Life' Jenny Wallis is continually researching and sharing the benefits of pine bark extract on human health conditions. With special focus on brain conditions such as Alzheimer's Disease, Dementia, Parkinson's, ADHD and many more.

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