2012年5月13日 星期日

Being Single and Changing It

1. Motivation is dead. It drives highs and subsequent lows. Many things are achieved with motivation but the cost is rarely counted. Uppers - especially the hype of business or new relationship or sport success - causes downers. That's a social cost.

2. Inspiration is, unlike motivation, nothing to do with the achievement of a heightened state of personal euphoria. You do not hear an inspired person say, "I want" or "I need" this outcome.

3. Both motivation and inspiration sit above a lower level of mindset called Desperation. Desperation is often mistaken for motivation but desperation is do or die. There are fears, blind emotion, adrenalin, addictions, mental health problems, stress associated with desperation that are extremely unhealthy. (includes cancers, nervous system breakdown, obesity, depression and loss of concentration (often wrongly labelled ADHD).

4. 95% of the world's population live in a state of desperation. This is not limited to 3rd World countries, in fact, most desperation is experienced in wealthier nations where people are sucked into the system of mortgage, over commitment and self-obsessive behaviours such as obesity, addictions and personal unresolved crisis (hanging onto the past through righteousness)

5. 4% of the World's population live in a state of motivation. These are typically professional people, sports people, and self-determined small business owners. Some performers and artists live in this zone. Motivation is fluctuation, and although achievements seem great under the guise of motivation, the individual is rarely able to sustain success, happiness or health in the long term. That's the epidemic we see with divorce, addiction and greed (fear of loss).

6. Inspiration is intangible. You can't make a person inspired. You can be inspired and that can translate to make others inspired. The great thing about inspiration is that the topic is not generic. Wheras motivation means driven by a common goal, inspiration means driven by a personal intent.

7. Inspiration does not have a downside. The opposite to inspiration is all other form of emotionalised drive and ambition. Hence, inspiration is singular, it is not dual. One cannot say inspiration is good, otherwise we've bred a bad. Inspiration is inspiration, it is as natural as the breath we take.

8. Between desperation, motivation and inspiration there are varying degrees of mind noise, spin. Thus, desperate people have massive mind noise. Motivated people have more focused and less dramatic mind noise and inspired people have little mind noise at all.

9. Mind noise is not a function of the brain or mind, but is determined by our receptivity to sensory stimuli. More simply put, our reaction to things that go on around us. The more we react, the more mind noise we experience. Masters at non reaction are considered great Prophets: Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha, Moses, Lau Tsu, Dalai Lama etc...

10. Masters at non reaction exist in all walks of life in the current era....certainly not to the same global stillness as the prophets of our time... but powerful anyway. These include some sports stars (Tiger Woods), business genius (Bill Gates) and leaders (Bill Clinton), performers (Celine Dion) and we can list thousands...

11. Being Inspired requires the absence of mind noise. The techniques to achieve this are diverse and some of the more famous masters in their field have used techniques considered counter cultural. This is because they exist in rarefied atmospheres where no skill development has been available in more healthy tones.

12. All human beings can be inspired, and therefore masters of mind noise. There are many techniques but few of those techniques were ever designed for the fast pace of the real world 2011 style. I.e Living in caves, hours of deprivation and years of meditation.

13. Innerwealth is devoted to sharing the skills of inspiration, including the stillness of mind noise but, focused 100% on real world high achievement integration. Skills for inspiration are valid for an individual who has global or local ambition, has a family to be responsible for, has untapped potential and is looking for less fluctuation in fortune.

14. Resistance to Inspiration teachings come from desperate individuals wanting to stay on the back of the bus or, who would prefer to change the world to solve their problems rather than adapt.

15. Within ten years all motivators and hype selling philanthropists will be seeking Inspiration and wishing to determine how to impact the world without causing the downside of their current motivation strategies..

16. In domestic situations the honeymoon will become a symbol of desperation. Couples will understand more clearly the difference between elation, infatuation, attraction and love.

17. The health industry will acknowledge the mental and physical cost of desperation and motivation and therein understand the foolishness of inclusive acceptance of fundamentalism, violence, and other desperation causing mindsets.

18. Infatuation with Eastern arts of Yoga and Meditation will modify as more and more practitioners become skilled at translating the essence of those arts, rather than repeating the purely traditional or physical aspects of them.

19. Corporations will, after 30 years of rhetoric around culture change and productive well-being for staff, recognise that desperate or motivated individuals can achieve much in the short term but cost billions in wellness, health care and brand loyalty in the long term...

20. Chris Walker will RIP knowing that whether we like it or not, illness, disease, and a hospital bed is the greatest seminar on earth. We, the population of the planet will evolve regardless.

Chris Walker < http://www.chriswalker.com.au > is a visionary business consultant and of the world's leading facilitators of Personal/Professional Development. Chris blends twenty years experience working in over 30 countries, a masters degree in Business Management, a BE in Environment, five successful businesses and years if studies in the Eastern Arts if Yoga and Mind Mastery.

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