2012年5月4日 星期五

Juice Fasting - Self Care You Can't Live Without

The need for regular detoxification of our bodies has never been greater. Scientific research continues to uncover direct links between environmental toxins and a wide range of diseases including cancer. Pollutants new and old continue to contaminate our environment.

Juice fasting is one of the most effective self-care approaches to detoxification and disease reversal. Many benefits of fasting are observable and predictable. They serve as a remarkable example of the healing power of the human body.

The most notable benefits of juice fasting include improved energy, enhanced sensory awareness, improved mood, increased mental clarity, and heightened states of consciousness.

When you think of fasting, do you think of starvation and deprivation? You're not alone. This is a very popular misconception. On the contrary, fasting is an undertaking that quickly improves your body's ability to heal, repair, and rejuvenate itself. The key to experience the maximum benefit from juice fasting lies in knowing how to prepare for juice fasting, how to fast properly, and how to reintroduce foods after your juice fast is over.

Juice fasting is a very powerful cleansing process and could be harmful if done improperly. If you have specific health conditions or if you have any questions or concerns, you should consult your physician before you begin a juice fasting. Pregnant or lactating women should not fast.

When juice fasting is done properly, it spares the body from expending energy to digest food which converts food into glycogens. During the first couple of days of a juice fast, the liver provides an alternative fuel source.

By the third day the body has consumed its stored sugars and begins to burn stored fat as its energy source. It's through this process the real health benefits of the juice fast begin to show. Toxins are stored in fatty tissues. During the height of a juice fasting, as the body burns and expels stored fat, it carries toxins out of the body.

Another effect of juice fasting is blood thinning. Thin blood moves more easily through the body and allows more oxygen and white blood cells to be delivered throughout the body. When you fast, your body can direct more energy to self-regulation and as a result it will function better. Self-regulation includes proper cell growth and eliminatory and immune functions.

Your body will also become more able to recognize old cells and nonessential tissues. As you fast, your body will be better able to separate and recycle nutrients from old cells and use them to generate new cells.

Do you suffer from food allergies or asthma? What about fibromyalgia, migraines, or high blood pressure (hypertension)? These and many more health conditions have been resolved or improved through juice fasting. Obesity, as well as respiratory, skin and vision problems were also improved or resolved. This is by no means a complete list of all the physiological benefits reaped by juice fasting. It's the result of cleansing the body and helping the body eliminate environmental toxins stored in cells and tissues.

Fasting can make an incredible positive impact on your health and total well-being. Juice fasting once or twice a year will ensure your body is able to function properly and protect itself against the toxins we're regularly exposed to every day on this planet.

Periodic fasts, daily juicing, and a healthy diet are three self-care practices you can use to ensure you live a vibrant and healthy life. What are you waiting for? Start now!

Ava Renee is the owner/manager of Olathe Marketing, LLC your source for juicers and juicing resources. Check out juicer recipes and juicers to make the nutrition transition for your family.

Disclaimer: Throughout this article statements are made pertaining to the properties and/or functions of food and/or nutritional products. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and these materials and products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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