2012年8月22日 星期三

Are Out of Body Experiences Safe? 2 Ultra Easy Ways to Have a Real OBE That is Extremely Safe

Who else wants to know if out of body experiences are safe? Want to know something really surprising? Out of all the questions we get on the OBE, one of the most common questions is regarding their safety? Why? I'm not quite sure.....but it appears like there is a whole bunch of bad information out there regarding people who have had an experience out of the body, and have simply never returned, have died, or been otherwise irretrievably harmed.

The simple truth is that it isn't true. There is no danger in the OBE experience itself, and the only real risk lies in the strategy you use to have it.

Tip #1: Never Use Drugs to Induce an OBE

Can you have a powerful out of body experience on hallucinogenic drugs? Absolutely. Is it a safe, or even reliable way to do it? Of course it's not. Why? Well - think about it for a second: First of all, you'll NEVER know if the experience was authentic, or simply the byproduct of a brain on drugs. Secondly - it's risky, and depending on what kind of drugs you take, can lead to a scary, frightening and deluded experience that can be full of paranoia and helplessness.

Tip #2: Never Submerge Yourself in Water Tanks, Sensory Deprivation Chambers or other Accoutrement

Why? Well, again....in my view, they aren't necessary. Plus, they add in the element of using something outside of your "mind" to get momentum. Lastly, of course, they can be Very dangerous....especially if you practice alone.

Look, there have been people, (including some famous celebrities) who have spoken public ally about amazing astral experiences that have emanated from these sensory deprivation devices. If you want to use technology to help you (which i do recommend) you should stick with headphones and binural beats, or brain entrainment software. It's safe, fast and very effective and very inexpensive for amazing adventures in the astral you won't forget!

Bonus Tip: There is NOTHING that will give you the freedom of thought, mind and spirit than learning there is FAR more to your life than meets the eye!)

Simply START by opening your mind, spirit & enhanced AWARENESS and ride the supernatural surfboard into the wild, wacky and wonderful world of the unknown..:-) It WILL rock Your WORLD...I promise..;-)

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