2012年8月25日 星期六

Can Astral Travel Be Learned? Discover How to Train Yourself to Have an OBE Super Fast!

Can astral travel be learned, or does it have to happen spontaneously? Does one need to be in the throes of danger, or death to leave their body, or can it be practiced, refined and cultivated on your own? In this article we are going to take a quick and insightful look at training yourself how to have your first (or next) OBE experience, and how some pretty simple steps are ALL that is required to explore the ethereal realms for yourself! Curious to know more? Great... continue reading as we take a closer look below!

Filed Under: The 2 Different Types of Astral Travel & OBE Experiences

There are two - spontaneous, and induced. (or intentional) The differences between them? A spontaneous projection is usually as a consequence of some sort of trauma, or injury or even as a result of clinical death. (as illustrated by the near death experience) Spontaneous projections are often considered more evidential by scientists... as they aren't planned, practiced or desired, they just happen on their own. (and often have a very strong veridical quality as above, where information that would be IMPOSSIBLE to know is gleaned while outside of the physical "shell")

Induced astral projection is MUCH closer to what most of us are trying to experience for ourselves. (as no one really WANTS to have a near death experience, unless we are SURE we are going to be coming back..:-) It is the reasoned, rational and INTENTIONAL exercise of trying to exit the physical body through exertion, effort or otherwise.

Filed Under: Common Methods for Inducing Astral Travel

Most commonly? It is facilitated through:

* meditation,

* prayer,

* concentration,

* sound or music,

* exercise

* sensory deprivation

* drugs

The safest methods are obviously those that DON'T require extraordinary circumstances (i.e. sensory deprivation) and certainly don't require drugs, alcohol or hallucinogens.

Filed Under: My Experience (and Recommendations)

The best way to train yourself to have an OBE, or astral projection, is through a combination of mediation, and music or sound. Why? Because meditation is TRULY the gateway to the divine, and while I've tried just about EVERY approach above, mediation is not only the easiest and fastest, it also is the most LIFE changing and transformational as well. Combining traditional meditative practice, with blissful sound technology, is an amazingly easy and beautiful way of growing spiritually.....while exploring the ethereal realms. (often with effortless ease) And I can also tell you that my own journey as a spiritual being has been reinforced and rewarded by my many out of body experiences, as NOTHING will convince you BETTER that you are a being far BIGGER than your body, than experiencing it firsthand for yourself.)

The bottom line?

Astral projection is truly the MOST fun, liberating and life changing experience you can imagine.

Just about ANYONE can do it...and with practice and training, so too can you! (and believe me when I tell you, life will NEVER look the same once you have.)

Ready to Explore the Ethereal Realms for Yourself? Check out our FREE Astral Projection Tips, Tools & Technologies for Transformation!

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