2012年1月27日 星期五

Stop an Anxiety Attack in 3 Simple Steps

If you're living with severe panic and anxiety, and you'd like to know exactly what you can do the next time you need to stop an anxiety attack, I've put together a quick 3 step plan that you can use.

These ideas are basic, and yet they are sadly overlooked by many people who are experiencing panic and anxiety attacks. The ideas that follow really do work, so I hope you'll give them a shot when and if you need them.

1. When you feel an anxiety attack approaching, do something physical if your situation permits it. Take the trash out, vacuum the carpet, or even walk up and down the stairs a couple of times.

Getting active like this achieves two things - first, it distracts you from the way you're feeling, and two, it gets your heart, lungs, muscles and your mind working slightly harder -all of which can decrease anxiety and prevent a full-blown attack.

2. If your anxiety attack happens, despite your best efforts, make use of all sensory distractions. The worst attacks are so bad because your mind becomes transfixed on the sensations and the thoughts linked to the attack. Sensory distractions deprive the attack of its fuel and will make it go away much faster.

Great sensory distractions are turning on the TV with the volume higher than normal, turning on some music (often, unfamiliar music is effective), and believe it or not, even eating something very bitter. Anything that requires your senses to process some information will help ease an attack.

3. When you have an attack, do something immediately afterwards. Anything. The important thing is, once it's over and you're free to do something else, do something else.

The longer you leave it to get back on your feet, the longer it will take for the effects of the attack to disappear. I've also found that some attacks can cause further attacks, almost like earthquake aftershocks. The chances of these happening are greatly reduced if you get busy with something else as soon as you can.

These 3 tips are powerful. They will help you stop an anxiety attack from happening, or they will make it stop much faster if it happens, and they will reduce the chances of further "aftershock" attacks occurring. Start using these tips today, anytime you need them.

Since overcoming a lifelong battle with many forms of anxiety disorder, Alex Taylor now devotes his time to helping others recover. He achieves this via his highly-acclaimed online course, "Beat Panic Today." So if you want to stop panic attacks right now you can access the course, free of charge, by going to Alex's website: http://www.PreventYourPanic.com

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